By moon_paw - 28/11/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I realized that I am dating a 25 year-old man-child. He turns 13 whenever he sees my boobs, complete with big eyes and saying "honk honk" whenever he touches them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 070
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mostmen are man-children at heart, it never changes. Accept it and it will make life alot easier.

Gonna need to see said boobs before I can pass judgement.


Wanting and actually doing it are completely different things. If you must have sex, get yourself a ***** or something for your birthday. :3 *this is a reply to Bubbly, stupid FML* :U

there is absolutely nothing wrong with your bf's behavior

Skull_300 0

After carefully considering your situation, I'd like to say "Honk! Honk!" What the **** is the problem?

alexise 0

Is something wrong with you? I mean honestly. Your 14 years old and your already having sex. Have you no respect for your body. You aren't mentally mature enough to be have sex. You will most likely end up pregnant, with an std, or your gonna end up with a sexual addiction. It's like a disease. You will probably never have a healthy relationship or feel good enough for anyone. You'll probably end up feeling like sex is all your good for and that's your purpose in life. With all do respect you're kind of a ****, and guys are never gonna respect you. Your gonna be know as a "wham bam thank you mam" So learn to stay NO to guys, they'll end up respecting you more. Truth be told, guys want someone they can take home to their mother; nobody loves a ****.

Couldn't say it any better. I'm only 16, am going out with the only guy I've ever gone out with, and we've had sex. I honestly don't know how it's addicting. *shrugs* It's not like we tear each other's clothes off with our eyes though every time we see each other. D: Makes me wonder if some kids around that age just do it cause it's 'cool' or something. Hell, I knew a girl who was 13, dressed up as a french maid for some 18 year old, and...yeah... Sadly, it can be more disturbing. o.e

alexise 0

hahah that kind of made me laugh. the part about tearing clothes off with your eyes. But yea it can be very addicting for a lot of people who have sex at too young of an age. I'm not saying that you or this 12 year old little girl is going to have future problems I'm just saying it's a high possibility. But in your case, being 16 and all it's probably not that high. It's actually a proven fact that you are not mentally ready to have sex until you are 20. I think it's 20 well somewhere from 20-22. I don't remember exactly.

We've been going out for about 3 years, so we're just calm around each other, guess that's why we don't pounce on each other at first sight. :3 With some younger kids, I'm guessing the 'feeling good' is the addicting part? *slapped* XD

alexise 0

yeah. Sometimes people feel so horrible about themselves that they feel they need to have sex in order to feel loved. It's sad, but it's reality.

toomanymorons 0

So because you are a whole year older and have slept with the only guy you have ever dated it's ok for you to be sexually active?? You have no right to judge her. Read over your previous posts and tell me you are not a hypocrite

Hmmm, I don't think she's a hypocrite. If hse is it's the kind that falls into the camp of good morales, yes she had sex. Yes she's only a year older but she's been dating 1 guy for 3 months not some random guy for 2 months. Judging from her post she sounds mature. Sod it, go for it, what's te worst that can happen right? Then again, I'm a UK resident so since 16 is the age of consent I guess my view is coloured.

toomanymorons 0

I was referring to #80 where she says that being in a long relationship is no excuse for having sex at a young age. Yet it appears that is her own justification.

Ah but she's actually got a relationship with this guy not just a quick **** round the back of the bike sheds like bubbles.

bubblybrooke 12

well thanks for automatically assuming that :P you actually have no ******* clue. I am very nice and polite, and DO say no. just because I enjoy something doesn't mean I rush into it.

"Please, can I suck it? Pretty please with a cherry on top? No, no, I'll do the zipper, thanks."

Oh, so....having sex at fourteen with a boy you've only dated for a few months...........isn't rushing into things? HALP! GET ME OUT OF THIS STRANGE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE! PLEASE do yourself and everyone here a favor and stop commenting. You're making yourself look like a complete idiot. No one will applaud you for having sex at such an early age. No one cares how long you've been with the boys you've ******. No one gives a damn about how nice and polite you may be outside of the bedroom.

"I am very nice and polite" "you actually have no ******* clue" Oh, I'm sorry, you seem to have contradicted yourself, play again? "I'm not that quick to open my legs" (paraphrase)"I've had sex at 15"(paraphrase) Oh, darn, you did it again. Try harder. {reply to bubbly the impatient one}

ohgeewizz 0

It's really NOT common, unless you're a *****. And I hate how people just assume everyone on the internet is being a "dick" or "only saying things because they're anon". Bubbly can have my phone number right now, I'll e-mail it to her, she can call me and I will tell her voice-to-voice she is too young to be having sex at the rate she is, and that in the long run it's only going to hurt her. Hell, if she lives in the Boston area we can meet at a Play McDonalds and I'll say it to her face, then she can go in the ballpit with all the other kids.

Ligerie 0

I love it when my husband does that! its cute! And I know a girl that's twenty-five that has had over fifty sex partners, and she has been married since the age of 19, so Bubbly may quick to open her legs but lets hope she never catches up to the **** bag I know.

Jeeze, with that many partners, you could make a blacklist or something with the 'good' and the 'bad' ones. o.o

All you people are crying because shes gotten laid more times then you in 14 years. If i had sex with 56 partners by the time im 25 id be happy And it looks like im going for 100 So FYl to you all

Bah. Pleb, you need to work on your trolling, it's rather low-class today. And personally, I'd rather have sex a hundred times with one partner than have sex one time each with a hundred partners.

I like Pleb a little more with each and every post he makes. I'd make him a sandwich.

expen_dable 0

A guy old enough to be her father desperately trying to defend the slutty 14 year old...creepy...

Catastrophic37 0

You shouldn't be complaining. When looks fade or boredom sets in and he never looks at you again, you'll be missing this.

bubblybrooke 12

I'm not that quick to open my legs, lol.

The point is that you DO open them, dearest ****.

Really? You're not that quick to..... My God...listen to yourself, idiot. You say you screwed your "boyfriends" after being with them for a few months, only two years into teenagehood. And you say that's not rushing things or being quick to spread your legs? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay then, 'tard.

I think we've all been in health class. Have you ever been in a long-term care facility? If you saw what STD's can do to some people you would have your legs glued together, I can promise you that. And 15 IS a child! Can you legally drink yet? Can you drive yet? Do you still go to school? Do you still live with your parents? Can you buy cigarettes? Can you buy ****? Do you need a doctor's note to get out of class? How funny! I would say all of that falls under the category of a kid :) And yes, teenagers have raging hormones. But some people have anger problems, and we still judge them if they slap their wife or kick the dog. Some people are pedophiles and their raging hormones make them want to have sex with 5 year olds; we still judge them and consider them disgusting people, don't we? A person is judged according to their actions. Don't try to blame hormones for your decisions. I had raging hormones at 15 too, pretty much everyone did. How many people do you see backing you up and saying "I had sex at that age too"? There are very few of them, which means the majority of us managed just fine.

Elksy 0

I was 15 when I first had sex. I had been with the guy for almost a year, and my mom got me birth control. Now I'm 18, we're still together, and no STDs or unwanted pregnancies. It's true that teenagers haven't fully matured, but people often underestimate them. It seems to me that when teenagers are treated like adults, they tend to behave more like adults. There were 13-year-old first mates in the British Navy, for example.