By moon_paw - 28/11/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I realized that I am dating a 25 year-old man-child. He turns 13 whenever he sees my boobs, complete with big eyes and saying "honk honk" whenever he touches them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 070
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mostmen are man-children at heart, it never changes. Accept it and it will make life alot easier.

Gonna need to see said boobs before I can pass judgement.


emma_says 6

Minerva from Cpixel, is that you?

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

yeah its young and its stupid but everone makes their own mistakes... i didnt sayi was proud ofit

alexise 0

It's very young, and extremely stupid. And yes people do make their own mistakes. Hopefully you don't follow in your mother's footsteps.

Look at all the judgementals! Yes kids need boundaries and rules but instead of spending all this time bitching about how wrong it is, how about educating them on how to be protected and safe? As much as you try, you cant stop someone from doing what they really want and just because one person disagrees with anothers choices in life, doesnt mean they are wrong.

Okay, class! Today we learn that if you don't have sex, your chances of getting preggy or contracting an STD are dramatically lowered of you don't **** the beavers in your Chem class! Class dismissed!

(paraphrase from earlier post) I'm 14 and I've had sex already. I couldn't feel my **** for a while because one guy kept squeezing them so much. La la la la la... Uhm....ewww? No one wants to know about how much a little girl gets her **** squeezed! So I'm judgmental. So sue me already. I saw an idiotic post, and I decided to run with it, thus further proving that the person posting it was an idiot, as you can plainly see by reading over this entire thread. Besides, this is FML, where you can be an ass to an ass and have fun doing it! Lighten up.

-rolls eyes- So if a 14 yr old girl has sex with a 15 yr old guy, shes a **** but if a 20 yr old girl had sex with a 21 yr old guy..shes not? Get over yourselves and get out of other peoples business.

No, if a 14 year old is having sex at all, she's working on slutiness. At that age, it is extremely rare that anyone is equipped with the mental and emotional state to be ready to have sex, nor to deal with the possible consequences... and they're certainly not in the financial state.

We're not bitching over her sleeping with an older person, s l o w p o k e. It's the fact that she's a *holla* fourteen-year-old girl *ahem* ****.

A 14-year-old and a 15-year-old, in most countries, are CHILDREN. 20-year-olds and 21-year-olds are ADULTS. Do you see the difference? I suppose you don't. Oh well. You'll learn eventually.

Yeah, if a 20-year-old girl a 21-year-old guy have sex there's nothing wrong with it. But if a 6-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy have sex it's a big deal? What's up with that, right? It's crazy! Idiot, it's not the age difference between the two people having sex. It's their AGE, period. 15 and 16 year olds are -children-. When I was 15, I knew and accepted that I was a child without needing to be told because it's just true. -Saying- you're an adult doesn't mean you are.

@ singingstar127:ummm actually you can still get preggers by using birth control, it's not 100% effective and the more people you have sex with, the higher the chances are that you will get a STD. google it if you don't believe it... And the reason everyone is getting on bubbles is because Her age and immaturity show in all of her posts ...

I just wanted to say to The_Pleb: there's is nothing good about sleeping around with as many people as you can. If a man did it, we'd call him a pig and warn women not to date him. If a girl does it, it's just as bad. I have only ever been with the man I'm with now and I am very proud of that, and he is very happy to know that too. When I found out that he had had a rather promiscuous high school life and that he had lost his virginity very early, I was incredibly disturbed by it and it was very hard to get past. As I've mentioned before, people are judged by their actions. How else do we decide what kind of person we think they are? Sleeping around just gives yourself the label of being nothing but a disposable toy. Not to mention the serious health effects a young girl puts herself at risk of when she has sex. Girls who have sex before the age of 17 (may be 18, I'm not entirely certain) put themselves at a far greater risk of getting cervical cancer. No amount of condoms or careful birth control methods can stop cancer. It's bad enough if -you- want to be a ****, but don't go encouraging 15 year olds to do the same. If they followed what you said and died from cervical cancer because their bodies weren't ready for sex, then that's blood on -your- hands. THINK before you speak, please.

Please... cervical cancer? I don't think my body has developed that much since I was 15.

bexox 0

Cervical cancer comes from the HPV virus, not sex before a certain age. You can get it losing your virginity at the age of 35. It has nothing to do with age, just who you sleep with.

I'm not an expert on this but wanted to point out there are at least 2 kinds on cervical cancer, one you get because of HPV which is sexually transmitted. The other type isn't related to sex. While you are right that your age has nothing to do with whether you catch HPV the problem is what happens after this. Cervical cancer is discovered by smear tests. These are meant to be given every 5 years to women who are over a certain age or sexually active. I don't know about other countries but in England women start getting them at 25 and in Wales at 20. depending on the relationship a 15 year old is unlikely to go up to her mum and say she needs a smear test. So say someone contracts the HPV virus at 15, she then may develop cervical cancer. She may not have any inkling of it until she has a smear test (this could be 5-10 years in UK) or she develops symptoms. Unfortunatley symptoms don't usually show until the cancer has spread. I hope I made some sense, this has been a big issue in the UK for quite a while now.

hey_its_me 0

HPV is not the only cause of cervical cancer. It's just one. Look about halfway down the page, under "Sexual History"

bexox 0

I wasn't trying to say you can only get cervical cancer from HPV. I was just saying it's not from having sex at 15, like Nirah seemed to be saying. I may have interpreted him or her wrong, but that's what I got out of the post. Of course if a girl starts having sex young, that probably means she'll have more partners, and statistically a higher chance of contracting the virus. Of course, that still doesn't mean you'll necessarily get HPV. Also, I know about HPV and pap smears. I'm carrying it. ;)

bexox 0

Also, most cases of cervical cancer are due to HPV. FYI

This post has become "Let's enlighten the youngster about sex!". I rather enjoy it.

Me too! Almost none of the comments are actually about the boob thing.


ummm lol where do i start to the person posting this fml it's called a sense of humor get one they are 9.99 at wal mart 12.00 at target... to the kid having sex at 15 it's your life who are we to judge you when we ourselves do so much wrong? Im not condoning your actions i just hope your being safe. Even though you enjoy it or it feels good you should seriously re-think having sex so early...

I wonder if the OP ever suspected that such a crazy debate would spring from her FML? I wonder if she'll read through all of this . . .


But if you continue to do it please use a condom and get some birth control their are to many young mothers... Oh and make sure you get checked out b/c if you weren't their first who knows where their lil dicks have been?!? n e ways I'm done (smdh what's this world coming to)

mj2123 0

Um, having a child at 25 doesn't make one a "young mother" in any negative sense. We're not talking about a 15 year old here. Do *I* want a child at 25? No, but that doesn't make it some sort of cultural disaster. And most people in their mid-20s that I know are quite well aware of the dangers of STIs and birth control failure - except those poor souls who had abstinence only sex ed. This didn't need to become a shitstorm of advice giving.

mj2123, aTRAGEDY wasn't talking to the OP. He/she was talking to the girl who was bragging about banging a couple guys by the age of 14.

I think you're confused. No one's talking about the OP (25-year-old) becoming a young mother here. She's talking about a 15-year-old bragging in this post that she's already sleeping around.