By moon_paw - 28/11/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I realized that I am dating a 25 year-old man-child. He turns 13 whenever he sees my boobs, complete with big eyes and saying "honk honk" whenever he touches them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 070
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mostmen are man-children at heart, it never changes. Accept it and it will make life alot easier.

Gonna need to see said boobs before I can pass judgement.


Seriously......MyFriendYouFail what is your problem? This isn't a bitchatorium

Yes it is. It's FMyLife. It was MADE for bitching!

That's the posts though, not the comments! ._.

Hey, stop bitching, hypocrite. You're the shit to our party.

My problem is moronic kids. I both love and hate moronic kids. Love 'em because they give me a good laugh at their expense, and hate 'em simply because their idiocy is an affront to the collective intelligence of the human race. When I encounter such creatures on the Internet, I decide to have a bit of fun with them. I see a 14-year-old bragging about having her **** grabbed so often during intercourse that they go numb, and I just have to be an ass.

morgan020 0

hahahaha my husband does that but it usually stops when I start squeezing his nipples and say beep beep lol. that gets him to stop pretty quick.

The flame war is fun to watch. Bubbly, go ahead and have sex, dont be complaining when you get an STD or get pregnant, to ANYONE. You're asking for it. To everyone else: people on the internet arent going to convince her. I remember how closeminded I was at that age. Adults talking to her IRL, might work. The internet, never will.

Actually, they might. I mean, perhaps not HER, but little teenies like her have changed before when enough people on the Internet growled at her. I think it's the fact that the Internet is open to a wider base of people, thus a wider base of opinions and backgrounds, that make their unified growling at a certain behaviour more convincing. It's basically like the whole world thinks she's a slag, rather than a few people she knows IRL.

It's South's to be expected :P (Resident of Charleston)

Elksy 0

My boyfriend does that. Then I grab his ass and go, "Beep, beep!" :D

That's about every man in the world, though.

ericalew_xo 0

People like Brooke make all teenage girls look bad. As a teenage girl, I want to say I'm one of the few to not act on my raging hormones. You may say you're ready, girls, but I can guarantee you, when you're older, you will regret not keeping your legs shut. By older, I don't mean a couple years later. I mean when you're finally mature enough to handle certain adult situations. That is all I have to say.

I don't blame the man. I do the same thing.