By Ticklish - 13/04/2014 09:33 - United States - Marion

Today, I realized that my boyfriend is so obsessed with tickling me that my body has developed a conditioned response. Now I flinch every time he touches me, no matter what we're doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 699
You deserved it 4 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

could be worse.. could hit him every time he touches you

"Why did you break up with your boyfriend?" "He tickled me" seems legit.


Rosebyday 5
Azrael9 11

Kick him next time he does it. It sounds like he has no respect for personal space or is just an immature douche.

carterjanelle 9

We've been learning about classical conditioning in my psychology class...

ChaosBlitz 12

It's his fault, so he has to deal with the reprocussions.

YDI. You shouldve put your foot down way before it got to this point. A polite yet firm "Youre taking it too far." wouldve been all that was needed to get him to lay off.

Eh. My ex verbally and mentally abused me so be happy it's just tickling

Survivors of the Holocaust describe seeing prisoners strapped down and tickled with goose feathers by Nazis. If tickling was seen by Nazi sadists as a fun way to torture people, maybe just tickling is not the best way to describe it.

samy_yo 12

I know how you feel! My boyfriend does the same thing..but now he is unintentionally tickling me every time he touches my sides or stomach