By Anonymous - 19/03/2010 10:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I realized that my new boyfriend only showers about once every ten days, and to get him to shower more often I have to bribe him with oral sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 891
You deserved it 22 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you give him oral AFTER he bathes at least. gross.

easy fix... dump him. he has a problem, and it's not like you're married. what do you even find attractive about a guy who never showers?


sourgirl101 28

Monikabug! I knew you had a kinky side. Turned to the darkside did ya?

sourgirl101 28

Wait are we talking about the same thing? Are you a fan of Snickerdoodles or panda ****? Haha wait don't answer. Let me just guess.

Hygiene issues of that degree of severity are often a sign of abuse...maybe, instead of being critical, it would be better to focus on this as a boundary issue (i.e. I love you, but this is unhealthy. I can't change you, but I refuse to kiss you/have sex/sleep in the same bed unless you have taken care of yourself) instead of passing immediate judgement

daofao3 0

wow, cyber-bullying? does picking on someone you don't even know make you feel good or something? Be nice, for gods sake.

usually I'll go all summer without showering....granted I'm in the ocean everday and sometimes use the showers at the beach to rinse off....what's the point after all that

Monikabug 9

Lol! I will let you guess. >:] But no, I am a fan of snickerdoodles. Panda **** just doesn't do it for me.

oneforme 0

you should take a cute little shit on his face since he seems to like stinky things anways. would turn him on if u pooped on him

iamborat99 0