By mollymaykitty - 02/02/2010 18:38 - France

Today, I received a detention because I threw up on the school nurse who wasn't going to send me home. According to her, stomach ulcers are not a true health issue, so there's no reason to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 319
You deserved it 2 284

mollymaykitty tells us more.

I've had this ulcer for over a two months. I randomly get sick from it when food has too much spices on it. The lunch today was spicy though you couldn't see the spices on the outside. I took one bite of it, threw the rest away, and within a few hours I got sick.

Top comments

Lawsuit to the school and/or get her fired. Actually, in these dire economic times, you should probably just get her reprimanded; otherwise, it may be too cruel to make her lose her job.

txgirl09 5

Ouch. How can you get a detention for something you can't control? Some people. And she deserved it. I hope it stained.


SettoFail 9

What a bitch, that really sucks. Idk why anyone would say ydi.

SettoFail 9

Also, I'd skip detention if I was you.

Silense_is_loud 0

wow that nurse must be an idiot or graduated at the institute of retarts

I've had this ulcer for over a two months. I randomly get sick from it when food has too much spices on it. The lunch today was spicy though you couldn't see the spices on the outside. I took one bite of it, threw the rest away, and within a few hours I got sick.

JohnByeBye 0

I knew it. YDI. Go to a doctor and get treated for your ulcers. The nurse is right, you knew about them but didn't do anything about it!

Maddoctor 10

Please tell me you didn't actually go to detention... And #100, you have no idea why she hasn't had this checked out. Maybe they don't have enough money or any coverage. Stop being a jerk.

I was out of school for a month last month doing test since the first doctor just thought it was the flu. I'm on medicine for it, but there's a time limit on them.

Did you know this is the first time I've ever seen an OP actually reply to his/her own post to answer a question or clarify something? Whoever you are, you just won some vague semblance of respect from me, and it usually takes years to earn that.

I haven't served the detention yet. I'm supppose to this week or I get a Saturday school. After I threw up on her I just walked out of the building.

JohnByeBye 0

Well now that you have shed some light on the subject, you shouldn't serve detention. I was mistaken and I apologize. ^^,

Maddoctor 10

I really hope you fight it. Like everyone else is saying, you and your parents should seriously consider going to the principle about this. I'm sorry you have to put up with shitty people trying to make your life more difficult than it already is.

I'm a little surprised you had the strength to walk out of the building. But then again not everyone vomits like I do...

newsgit 0

wow, this was the most civil resolution I have ever seen on FML. In fact, the ONLY resolution I have seen. This brings a tear to my eye. Hope you get better, OP.

You just walked out the building. Respect.

runaway102 0

what?!! sue her ass for being such a stupid bitch!!

What the **** is with everyone wanting to sue people on sight? "He short-changed me. Sue him" "She gave me the wrong look. Sue her" "He forgot my birthday. Sue him"

Its an easy way to make a simple buck. my friends mom sued a mc donalds for giving them cold food. but whatever you do don't go and ask them to remake your food if your disatisfied, sue their asses it makes the world a better place. no its a retarded way of thinking and you shouldn't sue for everything, just what really matters.

Wow, she should be fired for medical incompetence.

If that happened to me, my parents would go nuts at the school. Yours should too.

aintgotmuchofu 0

I bet that nurse didnt know that was coming when you were sick.LOL stupid bitch nurse

My best friend almost *died* from stomach ulcers. I say stab the bitch through the gut and see how she likes it.

iknowthatguy 0

u should explain to her that punches in the face r reasons to go home...then punch her in the face.