By mollymaykitty - 02/02/2010 18:38 - France

Today, I received a detention because I threw up on the school nurse who wasn't going to send me home. According to her, stomach ulcers are not a true health issue, so there's no reason to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 319
You deserved it 2 284

mollymaykitty tells us more.

I've had this ulcer for over a two months. I randomly get sick from it when food has too much spices on it. The lunch today was spicy though you couldn't see the spices on the outside. I took one bite of it, threw the rest away, and within a few hours I got sick.

Top comments

Lawsuit to the school and/or get her fired. Actually, in these dire economic times, you should probably just get her reprimanded; otherwise, it may be too cruel to make her lose her job.

txgirl09 5

Ouch. How can you get a detention for something you can't control? Some people. And she deserved it. I hope it stained.


ravensunnyd 0

my school nurse has a so in my grade and he's a ******** and he makes fun of me for geting head acks all the time

drezombiie 0

my girlfriend has a stomache ulcer.... now you know haha they're actually very painful. sue em!

p1ss3d0ff 0

ohh, so apparently most school nurses are assholes. i thought it was just my school

lolastarz 0

That nurse reminds me of an episode of glee when Mr. S. fake pregant wife came to the school and got the job as the nurse even though she had no experience but she said don't worry it's a public school. You should not have gotten a detention for throwing up because you were sick.

Damn you read my mind. But she was cool because she just gave all the kids drugs.

YouLifeIsMine 0

damn that sucks. What a bitch she was.

grimpow_fml 0

Now you have to throw up on the detention monitor. As a matter of fact, proceed to throw up on any and all staff who are keeping you in the school. They'll learn

orin69 0

maybe she needs to experience an ulcer so she will have a healthy appreciation of it