By pops up - 01/12/2011 22:25 - United States

Today, I sat on Santa's lap. He got an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 365
You deserved it 10 645

Same thing different taste


yeyah3 2

Come sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that "pops up" ;)

sexy_lola21 0

If you're old enough to know what an erection is then you're probably too old to be sitting on santas lap.

bella3911 6

Looks like he was telling u what he wants for Christmas;)

lauralavenderbab 0

Well mrs clays doesn't cut it anymore

madashell43 3

So I guess for Santa it truly was a "Merry Christmas"

evaRed 0

Such a tease... don't blame Santa for being manly...

One time that happened to me. I was 5 and I saw on Santa's lap and felt something hard protruding from his lap. I tried to adjust myself around it, but I accidentally slipped and it went inside me. Never had I felt such a rush! I started ride him faster and harder and faster and harder until all of sudden he was like, "Santa...Santa is...Santa is COMING!!" He dumped loads and loads inside of me and I was like awww yeah, I'm going to get an awesome present.