By daremetobecooler - 08/04/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I saw a letter from Geneseo that invited me to apply to the honors college. Excited, I wrote the required two page essay on how I am organized. I then saw the strict deadline was March 15th. My little brother thought it would be funny to hide my mail. For the past seven weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 928
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hide your brother in the attic from your parents for 7 weeks =)

I definitely think you missed the entire point of this FML...


ohhhhshizzz 0

#3 thats stupid, you dont know if hes organized or not and you dont know if that can come on the computer, maybe its manual fill only. You dont know; and yeah there is mail you can only get manually no internet.

that is horribleee! i dont have a little brother but idk what i would do if i did and he did that to me! hopefully he realizes now what a little brat he was being and how it cost you! aw and you had to write that whole essayy!

Buy your brother a 12 pack of condoms. Wait until he uses at least one of them. Then tell him you poked a hole in seven of the condoms, russian roulette style, one for each week he hid your mail. Watch him freak right the **** out. Hilarity shall ensue.

This is why we need more e-mails in our lives, lol.

HAHAHA #67 oh gosh, i know we're supposed to love our siblings and all... but sometimes you just want to strangle the little buggers

drtr123 0

I went to Geneseo, and i did the honors program and graduated last year. Let me say your little brother did you a favor! It's a huge waste of time, the money is not worth it, and it doesn't even show up on your degree at the end, you will just get a star next to your name at graduation in the pamphlet and 5 pages over it will say "honors program". The only thing i got from all of it was a major headache during the second semester of senior year as I was trying to finish my thesis and all my friends were going out drinking. It's not worth your time!

bbabyyxO 0

This is definitely not true. I applied to Geneseo, and the application itself was due Jan. 1st. And if the op is talking about the honors program, well the application for that isn't due until May 1st because I received an application for that as well. But cute story. ;]

hahahaha 71. But yeah don't you ever say kill the brother. You're all ass holes. He's a little brother that wants his older brother's attention. little kids don't know how to act sometimes. I'm sure the OP would agree.

Honors college is a complete waste. Don't even worry about it. Your little bro saved you, believe it or not.