By Anonymous - 07/02/2012 18:15 - United States

Today, I saw my girlfriend at the store and joyfully greeted her. She got really mad at me - it was her identical twin sister, who I still cannot tell apart from my girlfriend. We've been dating for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 938
You deserved it 21 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that you're your identical twin and get mad at her for mistaking who you are.


My cousins are identical twins, their father couldnt even tell them apart. So, dont be so hard on your self :) You'll learn soon enough :)

I'm a twin and I deal with this situation, but WTF, every twin that I've ever met had a difference, but after three years let me just say that I guess u weren't paying close attention to ur girlfriend to be telling the difference.

jeep4x4comm 6

See now theres 2 so when ur gf gets mad u got another one

Well they're identical what can u do... Maybe make one have a tattoo on her face so u can tell them apart

But if they're identical, couldn't you be dating her sister and that was the original girl who you THOUGHT you were dating but it wasn't? Hmmmmm, no one knows

I saw a movie once that started that way.

Grow up you little "Nazis" does it make you feel good correcting people? I have been told English is one of the hardest languages too learn, I've used it my whole life and still make mistakes.

Hahaha Thats not ur problem dude for being a normal person

Dude I'm an identical twin and I get that crap all the time she shouldn't be pissed:p

So which one have you been hitting...? Ahh that begs the question!!