By Hank - 14/05/2009 14:17 - Canada

Today, I scored two prime baseball tickets from a supplier at work. I phoned my dad to tell him the good news. He said that's great, my brother and him would love to see the game. I said, no, I'm taking you to the game. He told me I was being selfish and hung up the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 794
You deserved it 3 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments's a bit messed up. You were thinking of him and he calls you selfish for it?


as revenge against your dad, just go home and **** your mom. would seem to work out well in the end. oh and you are selfish, jackass.

coffeennicotine 0

Well johnx5 whatever your stupid name is, if you're so damn generous you shouldn't have an iPhone when there are starving people in the world. You should give them all your money. You're a ******* loser who has nothing better to do than pick fights with people on the internet. And who the **** would get on at a charity event? Really, you're just all kinds of stupid.

that is just so rude of your dad to do that. no appreciation.

In your dad's defense, maybe he thought you were giving him BOTH of the tickets? Kind of presumptuous, but at least not nearly as assholish as it'd otherwise be...

Wow. I think your father is an ungrateful asshole. Find someone else to go and have a blast eh.

Never understand this kind of people. OP's dad, I mean. #25 I wish you were being sarcastic.

wow ur dad is a tnuc (spell it backwards)

your dad is an asshole. if you have any guy friends your dad hates, take him instead.