By lamortdeshommes - 28/06/2011 17:03 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend to the store to get groceries while I was at work. Instead of what I listed, he came back with hot pockets, ice cream and beer. I'm lactose intolerant and pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 943
You deserved it 8 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ice cream is awesome! I'm lactose intolerant too, but I don't care when it comes to that!


you *****, you're pregnant and not married

monnanon 13

Welcome to the 21st century where we are not stupid enough to believe marriage is the only place love can bloom.

They need a cure for your terrible ailment

supahnazi 0

u "sent" him? ha he must b a bitch

new to fml but I am seeing a trend of bad advice coming from those born in the 90's ...most of which I own ties older than...and secondly people don't read the comments that they post to see that they aren't being original at all...but I agree that either he needs to grow up or you do and leave him for someone more worthy of being a partner and a of luck to you both :)

wow I'm sorry but when he comes home at least you can give him a good pop in the head n' hopefully that'll make you feel better! : P

romanianboi 0
smilesbear 6

OP needs to calm her ****. He got hot pockets, a most delicious treat!

1. Hot Pockets are not everyone's cup of tea 2. Hot Pockets contain cheese which will make a lactose-intolerant person ill.

Can't tell if trolling or just stupid..