By dis_bee_leaf - 13/02/2012 16:27 - Canada

Today, I sent out a text saying "Smile! You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." to most of my contacts. I got one reply, from my best friend, saying, "Are you fucking stupid?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 798
You deserved it 37 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments


#48 Why do so many people think that girls can only be pissed or bitchy at certain points in the month? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Ferretface 13

It isn't, but it's definitely the time they're most bitchy.

67, Because it's a scary thought to men that women could actually be that bitchy all the time. At least if we believe they can't help it we can tolerate it a little more...

atomicbaboon 0

if girls are only bitchy while they're pmsing, my ex was for two straight months. what a relief. i thought she was always like that

Some girls are always bitchy, but make sure you find out their menstrual cycle so you can stay out of their warpath.

Those messages are overused. But that was mean of your best friend. She didn't have to say that.

I guess you didn't brighten up her day.......

I did this once and everyone called me a lesbian for the longest time

why do people think they are a fortune cookie? what's next? your lucky numbers are...

atomicbaboon 0

i got LOL last time too! must be a panda express thing