By dis_bee_leaf - 13/02/2012 16:27 - Canada

Today, I sent out a text saying "Smile! You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." to most of my contacts. I got one reply, from my best friend, saying, "Are you fucking stupid?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 798
You deserved it 37 905

Same thing different taste

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flashback.miss 28

You're never fully dressed without a smile!~ x3 )Annie ftw)

desireev 17

What is up with all of these x3 smiley faces? They aren't cute. What happened to the good ol' :)?

shift_love 13

Wtf is going on in your picture #11? Alien felatio?

There's only 1 smiley face there though. And honestly it's part of human nature to create new better more awesome smilies because these :) are just plain bet done and boring sorry :3

The only smiley worse than that is "xD".

midnightxloner 1

61 to answer your question. well, it looks like she is deep-throating a pickle wrapped in tinfoil

Disco-stick deep-throating?! Annie would be appalled at your behavior.

94 - I'm in trouble then! xD Bahaha! In all seriousness, that's my "lol" face. I feel faces can be more expressive than acronyms, at times.

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picklemonger 13

I'm going to have agree with your friends. The text message isn't something that's going to change someone's outlook on life.

iloveweed69 7
The_Troller 14

^ Something tells me you like a lot of pickles.

memyselfandI07 1

It sometimes changes my outlook on life (-:

The_Troller 14

Huge pickles change your outlook on life? Well, I guess if that's your thing...

I think sending the political polls might be more appreciated than what you sent. You'd actually be informing people.

Those texts are pretty annoying, not gonna lie. >_<

When people say, "Not gonna lie." I automatically assume everything else they've said was a lie.

1JDub 6

Smile, your stupid...and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. FYL

The_Troller 14

21- You're* It makes a difference.

Lily_lops95 0

You freakin hole! (yes...hole)

1JDub 6

Like so...You're an asshole? Wow thank's, that is much better!

Respond with a nice sarcastic answer. That always ends well

It takes 22 muscles to smile. It only takes 11 muscles to raise your middle finger.

Huh. Never thought of it that way. *raises middle finger experimentally*