By Kaz - 07/05/2011 06:40 - United States

Today, I snuck out to see my girlfriend in the middle of the night. When I got to her house, I decided to throw a rock at her window to wake her up. It broke a hole in the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 587
You deserved it 50 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TigerWoods101 0

umm... HOW big was the rock?!?


CaptainPickles72 18

If your gonna sneak over to your girlfriends you might wanna make sure it's OK with her first. Because you know......she might wanna sleep. Plus, why not call or text to wake her instead.

balest22 0

baby! I told u we were over.. I'd want to c u!

MrsBieber4Life 0

trying to do it old school like they do in films

today, you snuck out in the middle of the night.

kristidgranger 3

you throw pebbles not rocks

I got into a really heated argument with the monster under my bed when I decided to get a new bed that sat on the floor. He was really upset with me that I would displace him like that. We finally agreed that he would move in with the monster in my closet. So now everyone's happy and able to scare to their hearts desire!!

DalPozzo13 10