By Soapy - 28/06/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I spent 3 hours washing my hands to get the pony out of the soap bar. I'm 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 652
You deserved it 55 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CASoulNYCmind 0

What the hell are you talking about?! What the hell is this pony you speak of?! I'm so confizzled.

lol wow ydi why didn't u just cut it out?


kinda a waste of time but its your choice, but could you link me to were i could buy some?

I guess soap comes with ponies inside? Get a life.

lizzie96 2

Just cut the stupid thing out

haha sounds like something I would do... I really need a life XD

Everlasting_fml 0

Oh my God, haha. I used to love those things. Though I never got ponies. Mine all came with like.. Fish. How lame. Anyway, that's not even FML worthy. That's just pure awesome.

omg thats a very sad life youve got for yourself there ever heard of oh i dont no....friends, a social life etc

That would of only taken me like 5-10 minutes