By Soapy - 28/06/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I spent 3 hours washing my hands to get the pony out of the soap bar. I'm 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 652
You deserved it 55 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CASoulNYCmind 0

What the hell are you talking about?! What the hell is this pony you speak of?! I'm so confizzled.

lol wow ydi why didn't u just cut it out?


haha yeah but its just one of those shitty toys from like the dollar store inside the soap so its just a lot of work for nothing.

ithedarkknight 0

hmmm i didnt get it until 84 explained it but uuugh ok???

kacee_nicole 0

I want soap with a pony in it! I dont know whats wrong with you people. It fun to be a kid. Maybe the person felt like washing their hamds for 3 hours to get the awesome pony! So i would do exactly the same thing. So **** adults kids fuckingg rock!

tehee 0

I never heard of toy in a soap..... What people sell now in days *sigh*

This is the dumbest fml I've ever read. I mean at 16, you'd think by that age you'd have slightly more advanced problem solving skills. But apparently you do. FYL indeed.

that sounds like something I would do,..

christopherlove 0

When you find the pony, text your friend "Jackpot!"

"What, your boyfriend proposed to you?" "No I don't have a boyfriend. ._." "FML"

Oh Lord... How much water was wasted? >__