By dude5028 - 08/09/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, I switched from a pediatrician to an adult doctor. The guy was really persistant about a few personal questions. Then he brought my parents in the room and told them that I have an abnormally small penis and what remedies he knows of to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 147
You deserved it 4 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow.. that really sucks LOL :[ Doesn't that break that whole doctor-patient confidentiality agreement? :/

Just because you're no longer going to a pediatrician doesn't mean you're 18. It just means you're old enough to not sit in a room with a stack of Highlights magazines, kid toys, and tiny chairs. After a certain age, you just don't feel it's necessary to sit in a room with train wallpaper.


visage 0

hahahahahah! Punch your mom in the ****, and put a boot to your dads balls. Because of them you get to deal with a small dick for life! Thank God I don't have that curse....

perstephane 4

As multiple people have pointed out, you don't have to be 18 to switch to a regular doctor. If OP is under 18, he's a minor, and I think his parents fall within the umbrella of doctor-patient. The doctor is allowed to inform them of OP's medical issues as far as I know.

so you decided to **** your life even more by telling everyone on here how small your penis is. congratulations!

rofl at least he is going to help you fix it!

mo_the_owl 0

80% of the male gender wants to know what his "remedies" are..

That makes it appear bigger cause your balls shrink!

sublime93 0

There was another one like this,

haha my doctor is like that but after I told him I didn't do drugs the first thing he told my mom was 'he sells A LOT of drugs'