By thisreallysucks2 - 23/03/2009 02:15 - United States

By thisreallysucks2 - 23/03/2009 02:15 - United States
By kylie - 10/08/2010 07:22 - United States
By poisonivyandbigfoot - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff
By bittersweet - 08/02/2009 03:08 - United States
By denied - 11/08/2009 20:13 - United States
By Username - 15/06/2011 01:17 - United Kingdom
By gottacatchemall - 08/01/2014 05:43 - United States
By xxlexi_lovexx - 29/03/2010 04:20 - United States
By luni - 26/06/2011 21:17 - United Kingdom
By Jamie - 10/03/2010 20:29 - United States
By Ignored - 13/07/2011 06:47 - United States
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayPokemon is the best, you guys need to get with the times, jesus titty ******* christ
pokemon is the shit. joke or not it still rapes
hey#1 did u know u can mate in pokemon too :)
how do Pokemon have sex anyway?
Very carefully?
Pokémon, if offended, can and will chew up your body, shit out your mangled carcass, and BREATHE TITTY ******' FIRE ON YOUR DEAD ******* BODY BITCH.
#422- nobody knows. They only ever seem to find eggs.
Pokemon is some awesome shit
Pretty sure I'd choose a new Pokemon game over sex and many other things, any day.
this is ABSOLutely outrageous and ONIXeptable
Ah... I see whatchu did there...
can't come between a guy and his video games
where is defog? lol
one word. priorities. this man has them in order
It's a slick game admit it
I'd give up months of sex to play pokemon. I don't care if you hate, don't judge me.
Never get between a man and his Pokémon game.
Platinum is out? WHY AM I ON FML?!?
Pokemom black ftw :D
ive had black for months havent beat it... hacked the hell out of it though
Thumbs up if it's 2012
my 7 year old brother beat black.. lol
yes it is. OP's ex is now banging some chick that actually _will_ put on a sexy mudkips costume. YDI
Epic win, 376
376 is a loserrrr
lmao very nice one
LOL how old is he?
It annoys me when people think others are immature for enjoying something like Pokemon that has been around since their childhood. I guess that means if you haven't given up on everything that you enjoyed as a kid, that means you're immature? Bunch of hypocrites...
um. wow. this one is your fault....way to date a nub.
Yeah right, I call BS on this one.
although im not a fan of Pokemon, i can totally see a game (on release day) coming before sex sooo... bad timing? also, dont expect to have sex for a couple months after Starcraft 2 comes out....
no man that was willing to lose his virginity would give up that over a game, no matter what it was. I can see it happening after he's done it a lot, but not the first time.
so either you are 11 and texting your little boyfriend to have some sex, for which you fail or you're dating a grown man who plays pokemon (a game for 11 year olds) and you wish to have sex with him anyway, for which you fail. you fail.
pokemons the shit first rugby players play it
A lot of adults play Pokémon. It's sad I'm defending nerds....
You're an idiot Pokemon is for all ages! One of my teachers plays it!
#8 i've had this happen to me with COD4. Awkward times. There is no doubt in my mind that this is true.
In his defense, that game is awesome.
Platinum is out? WHY AM I ON FML?!?