By User - 23/09/2013 17:53 - United States - Romulus

Today, I texted my girlfriend a long heartfelt loving message for our 2-year anniversary. Her reply was just "K." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 976
You deserved it 6 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time she tells you that she loves you, just respond with k. See how she likes it.

Why even text? Maybe she was expecting something a bit more personal.


A 2 year anniversary, in my opinion, deserves so much more than just a text. I dunno, do something that would be in one of those sappy movies. Cover the place in rose petals, light some candles, cook dinner yourself, etc. It might sound silly and dorkish but it's means more than you think, aha. OP, I'm guessing she said "K" to try and get you to rethink and try a little harder. Go outside your comfort zone and surprise her. Like a previous poster said before though, I reserve the right to be wrong. It's just my opinion. 2 years is quite a long time :)

It was my 2 year anniversary yesterday too. I had the guts to tell my man exactly how much I love him. Maybe a text just didn't cut it for her?

goliatron 9

You should take a long, heartfelt dump on her chest for replying with "K!"

If you're looking for marriage, or any commitment it's time to reevaluate your relationship with her. She doesn't feel the same as you do. You're probably wasting your time.

I hate to say it bro but time to get rid of her. Unless she is a Dr. or anything that she was so busy that, that's all she could reply then she's got another man.

I usually roll my eyes at the "if the sexes were reversed..." comments, but I'll play that this time. If OP were a girl sending a heartfelt text (or card, or anything) to a guy, there'd be a lot more comments saying that she should really know better, guys don't like that, etc. Maybe OP's girlfriend just isn't very romantic and is uncomfortable with too much affection, just like a lot of guys would be. I know I'd have a hard time coming up with anything but "lol" if I'd gotten a text like OP's.

Reply back with wrong person; make her freak out nd ruin her day.

I think a two-year anniversary deserves more than a ******* text message.

happyfingers 15

As much as I wanna say YDI for texting her instead of saying it to her face or, at the very least, CALLING her it bugs the crap out of me when people respond like that. So YDI for texting it. But also FYL, just a little bit, for the poor response.

Don't see what's so wrong about texting nice emotional text, personally I'd love it just cause the fact I can read it over and over :-)

I don't think you understand this...the part that is wrong is that his girlfriend just said "K" instead of something like thank you or sending something sweet back. It is extremely rude and shows a massive lack of care toward op