By Anonymous - 06/09/2012 01:34 - Canada

Today, I told a girl that she had very pretty eyes. I then had to rinse pepper spray from my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 928
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. At least you were being kind :) sorry to hear about your eyes

A100893 30

I guess you didn't see eye to eye.


captainburke 5

maybe you eyed her wrong when you said it. btw OP i know what you went through. ive been pepper sprayed for training and it sucks hope your ok

Sounds like a dike with a chip on her shoulder against men.

I mean if it was the middle of the night in a dark city alley when u gave her that complement (which im assuming it wasn't cause u cud see her eyes) then maybe her action cud be justified. But in most other circumstances, that is just a bitchy and overreactive thing to do. I feel for u and hope ur eyes r doing alright OP:)

skullofdarkness 18

I think I've seen that on a shirt- read something like "you have such big, beautiful... Eyes... Can I touch them?"

"You have very pretty eyes." "They would look nice in the jar on my shelf."

BunchieRules 31

I instantly thought of the Dating Site Murderer after reading this... even though he says the creepy part first. Thanks for the laugh.

I get the feeling there might be more to the story...

That's exactly what I was thinking when I read this. I highly doubt it was innocuous as it's being presented.

For her to flip out like that you must have sounded like a total creep. YprobablyDI. If not, then you're better off without a loose cannon like that. Crazy bitch.