By neuroticallyours - 12/11/2009 07:11 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend how happy I was with him. He responded by pulling down his pants and slapping his ass. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 122
You deserved it 5 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyMcSunshine 0

it probably means "kiss my ass"


291togo 0

It means "Hey this dick isn't going to suck itself lady!"

Honestly this isn't an FML he sounds like a super funny guy, that probably makes your relationship fun.. maybe you shouldn't be so uptight.

neuroticallyours 0

For all of those people complaining that this isn't a "true" FML, don't complain to the OP, complain to the people who run the site. you can also moderate the FML's if you look at the top of the page. So i'd really advise that before you bitch about what is and isn't an FML you do something to prevent the ones you don't think are "true FML's" from appearing on the site. Damn, you don't have to be the head cashier at the Wal-Mart to figure that one out!

neuroticallyours 0

That wasn't the point of the FML, but maybe you were too busy studying Quantum Theory to realize that!

neuroticallyours 0

hey, Antichrist! like i've said to other people, what are you basing you callous assumptions on? God forbid someone do something comedic. Just because your Obama loving ass( Judging by your name, see i can assume too!) wouldn't do something like that doesn't make it "infantile"

saucey12 1

Translation: he wants to take this relationship to another which includes a ***** up his ass