By jentown11 - 28/09/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I told my husband I wanted a divorce. He told me he didn't. End of discussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 806
You deserved it 18 036

Same thing different taste


So what? You don’t need the other person’s permission to get a divorce. You fill out the paperwork and turn it into the courthouse – the sheriff’s office will serve the other party and it doesn’t matter if they don’t respond – the divorce will still go through. Hell, it may even go faster if he doesn’t respond. No response means NO CONTEST.

It's not that simple. Actually yes he can contest the divorce.

I honestly don't know what to say... I mean if he's abusing you, or you're just not happy with the marriage anymore then that sucks. :/ My advice is either try to rekindle the relationship or just leave. ._.

Brooklynxman 0

Dammit #2 beat me with the fact that this was in Texas Only in Texas do things work this way.

i_got_it 0

soooo.... light some kush, smoke it, and find another dude to date... end of story.

I'm sure you can just make his life a living hell until he sees things your way a bit.

lifesabitch18 0

Dump his ass !!!!! get a really good attorney though and get him for everything he's worth and that can be your pay back for the miserable marriage and you'll be out finding a new a guy while having half of what your old boy had hahahahaha

Watch the movie "War of the Roses", take notes.

holy ****, my family had a war????(last names rose)

birds_fml 7

You don't need the other person's permission for a divorce like you do to get married. They changed that law like 100 years ago, because spouses would refuse permission to keep the other person trapped. File the divorce papers, and you'll be divorced shortly. He can fight it all he wants, but in the end, if YOU don't want to be married, then he can't force them to keep you guys married. Also, did you know that the spouse who's paycheck keeps the other afloat has to pay the other's attorney fees? The more you know...

Is it really that easy in the States? In Germany you have t be separated for at least a year before you can even file for divorce. If the other party refuses to sign the papers and won't agree to any negotiations it will take 3 years before you are "automatically" divorced [without the other party's consent] Exceptions are of course cases of severe abuse...but's so hard to get divorced over here...and most people think for a loooong time whether it's really what they want or not. But of course if the marriage is broken they'll divorce eventually...

chikachikawahwah 0

It's not as easy as this person seems to think. Most states here have a 6 month to 1 year "cooling off" period before a divorce can be finalized, and if he contests it can take much longer and get very expensive.

Brooklynxman 0

I caught this too. He is definetly controlling and possibly violent if need be to keep control. You need to get out of there.