By Anonymous - 25/11/2015 17:30 - Switzerland - Corminboeuf

Today, I told my parents I don't really like children and probably won't have any in the future. They sat me down and gave me a lecture on how people who hate kids are heartless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 750
You deserved it 3 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which is worse? Realizing you don't like children and having them anyway to please someone and end up resenting the kid(s) or to just not have kids and disappoint your parents? I'm pretty sure it's the first one.

You and your partners decision, not theirs.


So I decided at a pretty early age that I do not want kids and I still remember my mother telling me in high school that apparently "one day you will meet a man that you want to keep so badly that you combine your DNA with his to tie him to you". At 26, I still don't want kids.

Honestly, her reasoning for why I should have kids always centered around how other people would feel; she still hasn't accepted that (even if I could afford a kid, which I can't), I have never wanted to be a mother to human children. Dogs/puppies, yes. Humans? No.

I thought you said you didn't like chicken. I was about to press you deserve it.

For years I said I didn't want kids. Honestly,I wasn't even sure I could have children. Now almost 8 years later,I am a mother to 3. Greatest thing in my life! That's a choice you and your partner need to decide,not your parents. And you aren't evil or heartless or anything of the sort. Some people know children aren't for them.

bad_boyfriend 10

I hate selfish parents who see their kids as conduits to grandchildren.

Motstith 6

My brother and his wife decided, before they got married 36 years ago, that they would not have children. They've always had 2 or 3 well-behaved and pampered dogs in their house. The dogs (and the occasional cat) have always graced the covers of all their Christmas cards. Our mother, who spent 38 years as a foster parent and cared for nearly 300 children in that time, was constantly telling them that "kids make better pets". It never swayed their decision, but they did step up in spending time with our younger siblings (there were 12 of us). If you don't want kids, you shouldn't have them. Children need to be wanted.