By clean - 16/09/2013 07:51 - Australia - Ashfield

Today, I walked in the bathroom to find my son cleaning his penis. It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't cleaning it with a toothbrush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 179
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't blame the kid for wanting to be minty fresh

feldco1 17

At least this didnt say "my toothbrush."


It's the best way to get a good scrub around it, more agile than a sponge

Was it YOUR toothbrush? God I hope not.

He's gonna need some mouthwash. I mean, peniswash.

He was just trying to get it in-- mint condition for his girlfriend first. Who needs Altoids when he can freshen up her breath curiously strong another way. :P

jw90 18

Next he'll be combing his pubic hairs.

Clean clean scrub scrub. Peel back the foreskin. Repeat.

I hope it was his girlfriend's toothbrush. ;)