By chi-huaHUA - 04/12/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, I walked outside to see my friend frantically waving and running at me, yelling something I couldn't understand. I smiled and started to jog over to him until I realized he was screaming "RUN!!!" We spent the next 10 minutes running from his neighbor's 5 vicious chihuahuas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 160
You deserved it 6 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry vicious and chihuahua shouldnt be in the same sentence


a_girl_in_space 6

lol i can totally picture that I'm cracking up

those lil ***** don't play I've been bit by one and that shit hurt and bled, and my friends acted like i got licked by a kitten

yeah but some are nice and some are mean as **** like my dad's is the color of a reese's peanut butter cup and he is a wimp but thinks he is a pitbull

Actually, my great aunt's EVIL ASS chihuahua bit my grandmother's thumb where it meets your skin and it dug its tooth into her thumb and it left a HUGE hole there. It also almost bit a chunk of my great aunt's lip of and it bled for 2 hours straight. Also, if any of you grammar nazis say i messed up something, you can grow a pair and suck 'em.

Little dogs tend to be nastier because people baby them because they're small and cute and handbag size..and they treat them like equals. Which usually leads to the dog having a personality disorder or thinking its the dominant one in the house, which is just fail. To people talking about this dogs sensing fear - its not entirely true, they can see your posture and body language which is what they're interpreting.. (think I heard that somewhere, gf watches alot of dog training programs) They could also just be completely mental charging at you for the glory or sparta or something, Idk. Also - defend yourself. I'm sure after a bunt in the head they'd turn round and back off. As an animal lover I wouldn't like to do this, but then again I would refuse to run from some poorly trained pets.

I have chihuahuas they attack everybody, once they chased a kid down the street and knocked him off his bike haha

pfx2_fml 15

You ******* pussys, just punt the little *******

First those little basterds can **** you up second just kick them like a football

Idiot. Why didn't you just go back inside?