By chi-huaHUA - 04/12/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, I walked outside to see my friend frantically waving and running at me, yelling something I couldn't understand. I smiled and started to jog over to him until I realized he was screaming "RUN!!!" We spent the next 10 minutes running from his neighbor's 5 vicious chihuahuas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 160
You deserved it 6 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry vicious and chihuahua shouldnt be in the same sentence


Is it wrong that I couldn't stop laughing at this?

Chihuahuas? Running? Just turn around and start flicking them back the direction they came from. At least it was many and not just one.

You running from them just encourages them to chase. I agree with most of the other posters but first stand your ground and if they keep coming THEN kick them. Who cares what the owners think. It's self defense. I would kick them and report the owner.

You guys don't understand how vicious they are.

I've found the smaller the dog, the more vicious they can be.

I would have paid money to see that.

They're just chihuahuas, how bad can they be? Man up y'all.