By chi-huaHUA - 04/12/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, I walked outside to see my friend frantically waving and running at me, yelling something I couldn't understand. I smiled and started to jog over to him until I realized he was screaming "RUN!!!" We spent the next 10 minutes running from his neighbor's 5 vicious chihuahuas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 160
You deserved it 6 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry vicious and chihuahua shouldnt be in the same sentence


Gumdrop850 0

Should have kicked them like mini footballs and then sue the owned for assault! :D

i think this is the only fml thats made me actually lol

rkcraig53 0

STOP, TURN, KICK like footballs!

cindy1973 0

lmao i can just see you guys running from 5 "vicious"chihuahuas sorry, but when furry footballs come at me i kick them....thats too funny. wheres a video camera when you need it lol.