By chi-huaHUA - 04/12/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, I walked outside to see my friend frantically waving and running at me, yelling something I couldn't understand. I smiled and started to jog over to him until I realized he was screaming "RUN!!!" We spent the next 10 minutes running from his neighbor's 5 vicious chihuahuas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 160
You deserved it 6 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry vicious and chihuahua shouldnt be in the same sentence


Lilmama2Uchickz 0

.lol yh you should have kicked them or something

Since you guys sound fatass since y'all couldn't outrun them, why didn't y'all just hop on then.

turn around and give the dogs a boot to the face

ydi for running from chihuahuas, unless you're a midget that is 1/2 tall just kick them. If the dogs' owner complains tell him to keep them in line its not that hard

DakotaCat 4

Happened to me once.. Except we were on scooters

amazingdiva21 1
skyeyez9 24

I had a raccoon chase me once. It was small, but scared the hell outta me and I never ran so gast in my life.

Fast* But wow that must've been terrifying!

MissTaylor 0