By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


I cant believe you people are so rude. Listen to yourselves! you go and buy yourselves expensive worthless items while these people are dieing on the street! You have no idea what its like to be homeless! most of these people can't get jobs! over 40% have mental illnesses and as a result people shun them. your so rude that you cant even give a poor staving man a little change? also for all you people who say that they just buy alcohol and drugs? thats BS! over 50% are actually poor and dieing on the street! what happened to human kindness?! #82 - people have too much pride to beg for money. if you were living on the street and dieing, wouldnt you want someone to spare a little change? they aren't able to get jobs! People like you who have so much and cant even spare a little change disgust me.FHL.YDI.

Jackadi 0

If I make the money, I deserve to spend it myself. I know people with mental illnesses who have jobs. I have seen many people. The companies can't discriminate, so they are legally obliged to give these people jobs. In fact, I would help a homeless person get a job! You never see them with signs that say "Please help me find a job.", you see them with signs like "Money for Beer?" and "Spare Some Change". If these people can write, I say that proves them to be pretty mentally fit, at least well enough to get a job themselves. And money coming to us? Really?! Maybe it's coming to us because we WORK for it. And even then, half of it gets taken away in taxes. Homeless people don't have to pay tax, but they get the free health care (I live in Canada). It costs taxpayers about $50,000 for EACH homeless person per year. They're already leeching money off of us and you're saying that it's somehow cruel to want to hydrate yourself with your own hard-earned money rather than giving it away to a homeless person? And a rude one at that. I didn't smile at a homeless man who was hitting on me and guess what he did? He screamed at me, calling me a stuck-up bitch. If it wasn't a homeless person would they do that? No. How do I know this? Because I've had other people hit on me, with no reaction on my part, and they just smiled and walked away. So please, do not say that it is wrong to not give a homeless person money. Tell them to get the **** off the curb and get a job.

FajitaFreak 3

If only you had a clue how hard it is to get a job when you're homeless. People who say they should just get a job are living in a ethereal virtual fantasy land. You realize even under perfect conditions getting a job is hard? It also takes a long, long time now. You don't just walk into a store and get hired on the spot. You fill out an application, wait for a while for an interview only you have no contact number or address for them to follow up your application on. No where to clean yourself and your clothes up if you did get the interview. No way to keep track of time to wake up and be punctual. Etc.. All the little details and modern day conveniences escape people. You take them for granted. I did until I was homeless. Only then do you realize how good you have it. The luxury of a bed a roof and a meal at night is one so many go without, it's soul crushing.

Why do homeless people think that they're entitled to the money that other people work to earn?

your_life_blows 0

Say u paid with a credit card .... So simple

That suuuucks! XD I've never seen a hobo in real life, though, so I've never had to deal with that situation. =p I wouldn't give my money to a hobo, anyhow... they should get a ******* job!

That's happened to me once. I told him nicely I didn't have change (I only had notes). A few minutes later, while I was waiting for the ice-cream I bought, he came alongside me and asked me again if I had change and quite rudely. I told him I was waiting for my change. I have him a few dollars to get him off my back and he left without so much as a thank you. #147, STFU kindly will you and get your facts right.

LOL I would have told him to get a job and **** off or a right hook wouldve done the same thing

foryoublue94 0

Lol... 2 similar things happened to me, just yesterday... XD 1- I told the guy I would come back. I went to starbucks, got a drink and drank it with my cousin, came back and gave him the rest of my money. 2- I was broke from earlier and a guy asked us for change and then when I looked down feeling guilty he was like "Nah you ain't got shit"

This reminds me of a time when a friend and I were walking and a homeless man asked for money and when told we had none, almost began to cry and was all "why notttt"

jasmine1259 2

#125, no one gives a crap. if you care so much go be an english teacher and annoy your own students.