By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


missus_butter 0

I don't get all the people saying YDI. It's your money. You aren't obligated to give it to some bum. I offered this asshole begging for "food" money some actual food once and he wouldn't take it. Those people are ungrateful as hell. Besides, if he lived like a normal person, he'd know that Starbuck's takes credit and debit. So just having a frappawhatever gives him no right to assume you had any money on you. And even if it did, he can take his entitlement and shove it. If he'd felt less entitled and done more work in his life, he probably wouldn't be homeless anyway.

skor_fml 0

You should have asked him if he accepted American Express. Honestly, a frappuccino isn't an indication of having change.

haha, you should have said, you know, money doesnt just grow on trees, and then say, but it does grow on the grass, and then act suprised and say THERES ONE RIGHT THERE! then when he looks away run lol

BeQuickOrBeDead_fml 0

Baha. If it were me, Id go to McDonalds and buy cheezeburger right infront of him. Its his fault for following me :D Damnit, I want a Strawberry Frappuccino noww D:

Everyone lies and sometimes it's just because they don't feel like they have to. They don't have to though of course.

HorrorByrd 0

lol I would have done what #192 said.

usrnmalrdytkn 0

dude you guys are so rude. ya know its not always because they are some lowlifes that they are homeless. sometimes something horrible happens, especially in this economy and with this war. so screw all of you out that that think that all homeless people are boozers or druggies. granted a lot of them are but you don't know unless you see them actually doing it. this guy may have been hungry. or thirsty or something. and for those of you that are saying to tell them to go get a job. yea its kinda impossible to get a job without a ******* address or phone number dipshits. ******* give a guy a break. i always help homeless people when i can. if i think they are boozers or druggies i give them food. this world would be a much better place if people like this weren't in it.

i would have beat the shit out of that bitch.

curryndricegirll 0

Did anyone ever think that maybe the OP wasn't much better off? Everyone's talking about the recession and how it's not the "hobo's" fault that he doesn't have a job. Well, maybe, just maybe, god forbid, that the OP was affected by that too, so instead of giving his limited amount of money away, he decided to save it. Maybe the money he lied about was the money for his strawberry frappuccino. And in this case, sorry to say it, lying was probably better than telling him that he didn't want to give money. If you tell them you don't want to give them money (just picture yourself as the hobo), they'd be pretty ticked off and start screaming at you. So it makes sense to lie so you don't have to deal with that crap. And for the person who said that he should have given up his frapp for this guy's meal, why doesn't the hobo forget about the meal for one day and let the OP who's been looking forward to his frapp all day and may not have had one in a while have it instead? You know, considering that he had to work for his frapp and his meal. I'm not saying that it's the hobos fault for not having a job...but he certainly doesn't have to work for the meal like the OP does. I'm going to say this just as everyone else're not entitled to give anyone your money. If you don't share the grades you work at at school...that's called cheating, then you shouldn't have to share your money. Simple as that. Btw, the hobo is not necessarily going to spend the money on drugs. Geez. That's a stereotype. You shouldn't have to go broke to pay for someone else you don't know. FYL indeed for the hobo and for some of the commenting on here calling you selfish and such. Gosh, you're so selfish for not being communist and trying to spread the wealth.