By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


curryndricegirll 0

Btw, I just thought of a billion Obama jokes that could go along with the whole change thing. No disrespect intended towards President Obama.

**** those dumpster divers, I see them every day asking for anything you have.

usrnmalrdytkn 0

#199 - ya know. i love the way you think. but ya know what. everyone at some point needs help. if you haven't needed that yet good for you i hope it stays that way. but not everyone can be so lucky. you are judging just as everyone else is so don't talk about stereotyping. unless you know this persons life story don't judge them. and i hope that when you need help somebody helps you. oh but wait you don't believe in spreading the wealth. then stop paying taxes. cause i hate to break it to you but this country has been spreading the wealth for a loooong time and i don't think we are communistic.

How did he know you didn't use a debit/credit card?

How come lots of fmls lately are about encounters with homeless people

Think of it this way... when you work, you are converting time (part of your life) to currency. Your hobo seems to think that you owe him (and the world collectively) chunks of your/their respective lives. It's EXTREMELY selfish to be a hobo (when it's a choice). Don't feel bad for him. Yell back if it happens again.

#119 I agree with your point you are not obligated to give out money to hobos, and they should bother you about it. But I think you must be a rich yuppie for wanting to make sure only the upper class has money. I would have punched that hobo out, then taken all his change to show where yelling at people gets him.

I say YDI for lying. Shoulda either been compassionate and spared him a few quarters, or straight up told the tramp you weren't giving him anything cuz it's their own fault.

How does the OP deserve this? I sure as hell wouldn't give my money to some homeless person. Screw them, if I work for my money they shouldn't be entitled to it because they sit out and beg.

surfinchick1610 0

the starbucks couldve been a generous gift !