By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


You're a ******* asshole. Get a new job.

What an evil thing to do. I would probably have had the same note with me, because I'm usually scared as hell when it comes to tests. In fact, I always have a note like that with me, but it's written on my hand. It's a smiling heart. I hope you have learned your lesson now. I hope he wasn't too scared. But if he was, that note wouldn't have any impact on him after you ripped apart his test.

:( Poor kid. That's rough. Hard on you too, I'm sure. Just be careful next time!

thelonelylurker 0

**** you bitch. Get off your power trip, I hate asshole TAs.

you should have read the note first.... admittedly you where kinda doing your job

simplewhimsy 0

A lot of you are jumping to a lot of conclusions. For starters, if this is college the professor could have some really lame rules, like "If you see a kid cheating, take his or her test and tear it up/get rid of it or else you're gone." Maybe the prof is an asshole and the OP is constantly on edge, which would be why s/he was quick on the trigger. FMLs are so short that there just isn't any room for detail. I don't think TA like OP are the problem, it's the way the education system is set up that encourages that kind of behavior. Fail, fail fail. Sucks for you, OP, and sucks for the kid.

This is totally not the TA's fault. Like 480 says, it's probably the prof's rule. I wouldn't have torn up the test, but I would have taken it and not given it back. If it's the closed-book test, the kid should know better than to bring in paper--I mean, really. That kid had it (or something similar) coming. Those of you gettin' all up in OP's fries have almost certainly never had to be TAs.

I almost cried at this. You're a dick.