By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


thefutbolfan 0
GGnoRe 0

People like you should be put down.

nityasomaiya 46

Wow, a move like that should cost you your job. Hope justice is dealt to you like the way you dealt it - sudden, unexpected, overly harsh, and without any chance for an explanation.

aacey 0

@# 11 If he didnt have time to read the note before he riped the test then why did he all of a sudden get the tie to do so afterwards i support zero tolerence for cheating but if the individual is not cheating then there is nothing to not tolerate. it is zero tolerance(for cheating) so the cheating must be confirmed before you take action i hope you learned to make sure you understand a situation before you overreact like that you owe the kid an apology and a chance to retake as what you did was a rash overreaction. and if the kid or his mother gave you any harsh worsd they were well deserved if he or she didnt then they showed admirable restraint

Do none of these people telling him to "pull him out of class and ask questions" understand that their plan would also massively disrupt the class. If he were to leave the room to talk to the kid, everyone inside that room would begin to cheat and he'd have no way of knowing who was whispering because he was outside. If I was the TA, I'd just take the test and tell the kid to go home, then report him straight to the administration. Its his job to stop the kid from cheating, taking the test (and note) from him stops any cheating for good. Let the admins figure it out. Sure, some schools would let him off with a warning. But most are going to give him a 0 on the test, the course, or just flat out expel him (depending on how many times he's brought a note to the class). The college itself means nothing if there is rampant cheating. And for those of you saying "the kid has issues" or that he "needed the note" they have a way of dealing with that. It's called the Americans with Disabilities Act. If he has some condition (including test anxiety) that is severe enough that he needs a note, the school is required by law to accommodate him. But it is the student's responsibility to advocate for himself (or the parent's). You don't just get to break rules and blame it on something that you clearly could have worked around.

lmao... pretty funny ;D his moms still with him ;o

People, come on! This is hilarious. Maybe you're not picturing "ripped it up into four pieces" fast enough?

biondello 0

dude. so messed up. this is why people hate TA's