By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 12:00 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend meeting all of his friends for the first time. My boyfriend went into the kitchen to get me a drink, and after ten minutes I went looking for him. I discovered his friend holding two melons to his chest, mid explanation on how they look exactly like mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 080
You deserved it 6 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

that could be seen as complimentary...

Why dont you stop being so melon-dramatic! Bahahahaha.... .... ... .... .... ... Im sorry, the temptation was just too much


YDI for considering this an insult! it's a compliment, maybe the situation was a little awkward and embarassing... so? at least it seems he likes your boobs, be happy about it!

Yuck, you have big boobs with NO nipples! What a waste. She said he said they looked "exactly" like hers.

Green boobs resembling watermelons are actually very common. On a hot day, I slice a chunk out of mine.

Cantaloupe is my favorite (favourite). I'd take boobs that tasted like that even if it means dealing with the leathery waffle-patterned skin.

Strike a match on those puppies and eat a nice cantaloupe dinner by candlelight.

Ok well inleast im clever enough to give a reason why your lifes ****** unlike the rest of these retarded comments. YDI Because you was such a douche you actually thought this was a bad thing and thought your life was ******.... not only that but you actually used precious time to put this up on the internet which not only expressed your dumbness but you also expressed every other internet moron available. And now youve wasted millions of other peoples time wondering why your life is ******. So basically youve just ****** all our lives including myne for making me write to millions of spakas. Thank you come again.

Goosie 0

Let's list the problems with your message: 1) You said 'inleast'...I believe what you meant to say was 'at least'..2 words. 2) 'you WAS such a douche bag'...Uh....It should be 'you ARE such a douche bag' or 'you WERE such a douche bag' 3) 'not only expressed your dumbness (THIS IS NOT A WORD!) but you also expressed every other internet moron available'....I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. This is nonsensical. 4) 'myne'....Ahahahaha really?!? It's spelled MINE....******* dumbass! 5) What the **** is a 'spaka'? Before you call other people retards you should be sure what you're saying isn't retarded itself. Too bad you're not 'clever enough' to know how to spell and use proper grammar.

There are many things wrong with your "cleverness" that I felt like I should point it out! [[Ok well AT LEAST I'M clever enough to give a reason why your LIFE'S ****** unlike the rest of these retarded comments. YDI Because you WERE such a douche [that] you actually thought this was a bad thing[.] [You] thought your life was ******.... NOT only that[,] (you don't need a "but" here moron) you actually used precious time to put this up on the [I]nternet which[,] not only expressed your dumbness (stupidity)[,] but you also expressed every other [I]nternet moron (wtf?) available. And now YOU'VE wasted millions of other PEOPLES' time wondering why your life is ******. So basically YOU'VE just ****** all our lives including MINE for making me write to millions of spakas (whatever the hell that is). Thank you come again.]] Do you still feel clever? I bet you feel like quite the jackass now since you made so many grammatical and spelling mistakes. Way to fail idiot.

#37, near as I can tell, "spaka" is the Median word for a female dog. Thank you Wikipedia. So, #26, She "****** all our lives including myne" (hahahahahahahahaha what is this, old English?) for making you write to millions of bitches? You might wanna stop daydreaming in English class and pay attention instead. It's useful later in life, so that you can actually, you know, communicate with other members of your species.

epic win #33!!! hahaha #26 you're such a douche! :P

to the_pleb: you're calling us retards... yet you're the one who said "inleast." seriously? inleast?! wow...

Why dont you stop being so melon-dramatic! Bahahahaha.... .... ... .... .... ... Im sorry, the temptation was just too much

evelynne 0

that's news to me...i'm english btw.

somebodyfireitup 0

"fag" isn't a synonym for idiot, or whatever you were attempting to call this person.

In England we do not say inleast. We say 'at least'.

Yes, I may not be English, but I have English friends, and they'd be horrified. I also know words when I see them, and "inleast" isn't a word. the very least, this is the case....IN the very least, this is the case? It doesn't make sense. And even if it was part of "your" lingo, it would be two words anyway! Oh, and by the by, if you were really from England, you'd be aware that "fag" over there is a slang term for cigarette. Touche? I think so.

I think you mean 'by the bye', not 'by the by', oh righteous one :)

I see your point, and we do say "at least" in England, but about the use of the word "fag": It is slang for cigarette, but it is also starting to be used the same way it is in America.

um guys he said 'inleast' because he was making fun of #26...just sayin'

True, I just feel the need to alert Lia_Mackenzie of the grammar police to her own hypocrisy :)

Errr....i'm pretty sure you're just using improper grammar. I mean, look at your comment above. That is not just because apparently you're from England. I don't think anyone ANYWHERE would use "inleast". Ever.

I've never heard a soul say "inleast" over here. I believe "at least" is universal, with the exception of... erm... people like The_Pleb. And look at you, using sexual preferences as insults, tough guy.

blah123blah 0

Probably the same friend that got texted "no big boob jokes" from the boyfriend that acidently sent it to her from a FML below... That friend never got the message...

volleyballchicka_fml 0

Its cool people learn from me everyday, im just glad i helped >:]

Goosie 0

Yes, people learn how not to spell. By the way, 'its' actually has an apostrophe in it and so does 'im'..... "IT'S" & "I'M"

palmtrees 1

Actually, "it's" only has an apostrophe sometimes - if you're using it as a contraction of "it is", then yes it has an apostrophe. If you're using it as a possessive (ex. Its chain was tangled up.), then it does not have an apostrophe. You're correct about "I'm", however.

somebodyfireitup 0

yeah, but in the case that 'goosie' was correcting, it would've been 'it is' so, he corrected right.

palmtrees 1

Wasn't saying that he was wrong... just that his statement that "it's" has an apostrophe is only correct in certain cases.

I believe that 'its' only has an apostrophe when you're talking about the belongings of 'it.' Otherwise, its 'its'. "The tree blew over in the storm, causing many of it's branches to snap." At least, that's how I've been doing it all me life.

wow guys. could you be any more anal? get over it. some people just have bad grammar. omg. i totally didn't capitalize any of the words at the beginning of my sentences. you better shoot me immediately.

Brolin 4

It's actually not, I used to use it's for possessive, but it's the opposite. It's means it is, which is how I remember it. Then I remember the other one is the possessive.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

"it's" is used as a contraction for "it is". "its" is the possessive form of "it"

CyclonePsycho 1

Can you guys come off the grammar nazism? Because while it's fun to tease idiots, it doesn't really demonstrate your intelligence beyond being able to use spellcheck. It's much more satisfying to actually have valid points.

CyclonePsycho 1
weeeasel 0

I think I both love and loathe you at the same time. However, I am of the opinion that people should practice proper grammar (at least, if not spelling as well) on the interbutts, so that way, when writing an essay at school, or any sort of formal paper or writing assignment, maybe they can remember the right place to use "you're" instead of "your." There were kids in my class in fourth grade that knew the English language better than most high school graduates in the present, it seems. Either way, countries where English is the main language (even if it's not the official language, like here in the U.S.) disappoint me. To quote Eddie Izzard, "The Dutch speak four languages and smoke marijuana!"