By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 12:00 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend meeting all of his friends for the first time. My boyfriend went into the kitchen to get me a drink, and after ten minutes I went looking for him. I discovered his friend holding two melons to his chest, mid explanation on how they look exactly like mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 084
You deserved it 6 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

that could be seen as complimentary...

Why dont you stop being so melon-dramatic! Bahahahaha.... .... ... .... .... ... Im sorry, the temptation was just too much


papasloan04 0

Congratulations on having a large rack, hope you use them wisely, and that they may bring great joy to the man you allow to have them ;)

I wouldn't say your life is ******. You should be proud about having big enough boobs for guys to compare them to melons. Psh, I have a small chest so I would be pleased. I'm probably more the size of an orange. Be proud.

@ 40 Yeah.. it's really nice, all the back-pains and guys not taking you seriously or just liking you because of something like that.

ummmmno 0

It's a compliment sweetie, get over it.

BlaqJay9 0

Actually, I'd say this is a YDI. BUT! If it will make you feel better [I know it would make me feel better] you should make a shirt of this "FML" [I'd say, it's more like a MILA] and wear it around. The irony, and the fun of the shirt, would be the fact that it would be covering the "melons" in question here. See? Fun for everyone! Lighten up and have some fun with it!

the_stereotype 0

that's so funny, but i think i'm the few people that actually understand why this is an FML. i guess you'll just have to continue life like you never heard that statement

you're stupid, shut up. This is what all women want to hear. This was just an opportunity to brag about your gigantic breasts. like i said; you're stupid, shut up.

salsa010 0

I understand why she is so upset; no woman wants to hear her boyfriend or his friends making fun of her. I know how appalling it is to be constantly affiliated with the size of your chest. I’m sorry people are so insensitive to your predicament.

At least they weren't apricots. Or peas.

Okay, you have huge boobs. Unless you're fat, which is mentioned nowhere up there, this is not an FML.

Lol i found it funny how i made such a retarded comment ^^ thank you everyone who corrected me . Hopefully i will know lead a more fulfilling life.

somebodyfireitup 0

hopefully you will now* lead a more fulfilling life.

BlaqJay9 0

Hopefully you will know and lead a more fulfilling life? Or hopefully you will now lead a more fulfilling life? I'm sorry, but you make it so easy....

This FML and all of the grammaticalness made my day.