By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 12:00 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend meeting all of his friends for the first time. My boyfriend went into the kitchen to get me a drink, and after ten minutes I went looking for him. I discovered his friend holding two melons to his chest, mid explanation on how they look exactly like mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 080
You deserved it 6 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

that could be seen as complimentary...

Why dont you stop being so melon-dramatic! Bahahahaha.... .... ... .... .... ... Im sorry, the temptation was just too much


The hell? You think your life is ****** because of a guy is holding melons to his chest? -_- Melons are a compliment, at least he didn't hold up two grapes.

well_this_sucks 0

bahahaha nice but yeahhh it's a compliment from them in a weird way

#16, the image of a guy holding up grapes to his chest instead of melons made me gigglesnort. Very nice. OP - I agree with the rest of the panel. This is SO not an FML. I would've laughed my ass off if I walked in on one of my boyfriend's friends doing that, and would subsequently have teased him for the rest of his life. Enjoy your melons - they obviously do.

HamsteronA 0

I thought exactly the same just kiwis instead

I agree she's a stupid girl UNLESS Hers are more like watermelons.

So you're bitching because you have boobs? As a chick with B cups, I'm gonna tell you to go ahead and pack sand!

I think she so desperately wanted something to post of FML she took the "worst" moment in her pretty decent life she could think of...OR she isn't willing to go the extra step to actually post something humiliating--despite the anonymity that comes with the internet.

Either that or she really wanted to brag. Maybe she's a compliment-digger :/

So your life is ****** because you have big boobs that your boyfriend appreciates? I'd say your life is blessed.

Hotness101 0
lem0n_fml 0

i can't even bring myself to click FML or YDI. cuz. i'd be thrilled if that happened to me.