By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I was at lunch with my girlfriend. The waitress came up and asked for her number, then asked if she had a significant other. I laughed as my girlfriend gave the waitress her number. They're going on a date, tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 817
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments


XxCoolPersonxX 0
Peppermint111 0
doof_fisch 2

You should have had a clue when she ordered her hotdog take-out.

TwistedMind93 0

dude u should join dem n do yo thing

Suggest a threesome. Haha, just kidding. Demand one.

It's funny how all the guys are like "YEAH, 3SOME"... But when it actually happens to them they get all jealous and offended...

Op your stupid for taking that. I mean why wouldn't u say something if ur gf is being asked out in your face? Idiot