By Anonymous - 01/04/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I was babysitting, and after the kids fell asleep I started hiding the Easter candy. They woke up when I was half-done, and it didn't take them long to figure out what was going on. They won't stop crying, and every time I go near them, they scream "LIAR!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 876
You deserved it 8 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better tell them about Santa so they leave you and go after their parents.

"No, kids, you see, the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't going to be able to make it and I should help. Why? Uh, well, his mom got hit by a car... NO! WAIT! STOP CRYING! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"


twaumat 28

what exactly did you think would happen? that they will always believe in santa, Easter bunny, and tooth fairy?

Why would you go through the trouble of hiding eggs? The easter bunnys real, right? Wait a minute...

Yeah i don't blame you. I mean come on they're gonna find out sooner or later

perdix 29

Were you "hiding" the candy in your belly? Nom-nom-nom!

Their poor childhood is ruined haha there goes the Easter Bunny. We all make mistakes!

Poor kids. I cannot imagine my parents hiring a babysitter to hide the Easter candy from me when I was younger.

moonsalt 20

The sitter was probably doing it for fun. It can get boring when the kids you're sitting are asleep.

ZBR39 4

That's what you get for celebrating a pagan holiday and lying to children about stupid things like the easter bunny and santa claus

These are my thoughts, too. Easter and Christmas embarrass me by the way they're treated.

Yeah, let's not allow children to believe and have fun before there old enough to decide what they believe! **** logic

You could tell them that you're the Easter bunny's sidekick and you promised him that you would help him hide the candy. Or maybe the Easter bunny got scared when he saw you and left the candy behind without hiding it.