By Anonymous - 01/04/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I was babysitting, and after the kids fell asleep I started hiding the Easter candy. They woke up when I was half-done, and it didn't take them long to figure out what was going on. They won't stop crying, and every time I go near them, they scream "LIAR!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 877
You deserved it 8 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better tell them about Santa so they leave you and go after their parents.

"No, kids, you see, the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't going to be able to make it and I should help. Why? Uh, well, his mom got hit by a car... NO! WAIT! STOP CRYING! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"


What babysitter does the Easter bunny thing? That should be the parents job (unless they were out of town for a few days).

Megan639 16

Dude you suck. Every parent for all time has been able to pull this off. Really? You ruined this holiday for them.

BlinkandRHCP 7

Why is the babysitter doing this?

Yea thats exactly what I was thinking, does she put the presents under the Xmas tree as well? Where are the heck are the parents on Easter Sunday...

damwoods 12

Hey... at least you had good intentions. :) They were going to find out some time.

That's what you get for having them believe in commercialised crap.

Did you cry like a bitch when you tried to buy 13 pieces of easter candy in the express lane?

mercC63girl 6

Don't lie to your kids about unimportant stupid things like that

You say you're baby-sitting. Either those kids aren't yours, in which case why aren't the parents hiding the candy, or they're your younger siblings, in which case, well I don't know, Unless you weren't being particularly quiet or careful, FYL.