By Anonymous - 01/04/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I was babysitting, and after the kids fell asleep I started hiding the Easter candy. They woke up when I was half-done, and it didn't take them long to figure out what was going on. They won't stop crying, and every time I go near them, they scream "LIAR!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 876
You deserved it 8 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better tell them about Santa so they leave you and go after their parents.

"No, kids, you see, the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't going to be able to make it and I should help. Why? Uh, well, his mom got hit by a car... NO! WAIT! STOP CRYING! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"


I'll never understand why parents lie to their children about the Easter Bunny and Santa - you can give chocolate and presents without them! It doesn't take away from the magic.

Yes it does. It's a lot less magical knowing that it's your parents putting presents under the tree. The Easter bunny I'm not so fussed with cause there's Easter eggs all over the shops and no one can really agree on his backstory. But santa was a different kettle of fish. I was once told I couldn't go downstairs before 7. I woke up at 4 and just stared at the clock watching it turn over until it hit 7. Then ran downstairs. That's the kind of magic you get with santa. And what's wrong with letting kids believe in magic? I dont a generation of cynical children who'll just demand more off their parents

I honestly didn't know that you guys tell children that the Easter bunny was real or that it was supposed to give children candy. Where I am from the kids hide each others eggs (a BIG one filled with candy and a proverb) and make a Treasure map. I thought the bunny was just symbolic like the little yellow chicks and pretty flowers. Also on christmas The family gives each other gifts not the Santa Clauses (we have several). There is no less magic, you still get funny little men in red, cartoonish cat, the Tooth fairy, Sandman and so on. Additionally your parents get the credit and are in control.

My parents never let me believe in Santa. There were still presents under the tree, wrapped. Every Christmas, we'd sit down and open presents from each other. Don't tell me that's not magical. Also, I didn't turn into a demanding brat.

You're still a great babysitter for going through the trouble of hiding all that candy. Most sitters just watch tv and do their nails.

Why not just say the Easter Bunny got stuck in traffic or some bs and asked you for help scatter eggs for him this year, jesus. KIDS BELIEVE ANYTHING!

ZacZ 8

A magical bunny that delivers candy in plastic eggs. Honestly, they're better off.

hahaha. Not that the complete destruction of children's dreams is funny (well it kind of is) but the image of a bunch of little kids screaming "LIAR" at you is kind of hilarious.

That's what happens when you submerge kids in a delusion because of a quaint little tradition. YDI for continuing the sham.

You might as well tell them about the tooth fairy as well.

TcheQ 12