By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20

Today, I was called by my son's school to pick him up. Apparently, he snorted baking soda, crushed aspirin, and flour because he thought it was coke. Where did I go wrong raising this twerp? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 327
You deserved it 15 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

He thought he was Charlie Sheen. Don't blame him.

Igor_g5 0

You didn't teach him how to tell real coke from BS. That's where you went wrong.


JennaMarie420 2

kids these days, smoke weed. it never hurt anyone.

obviously you've never seen some of the weed burnt kids around here :/

JennaMarie420 2

that's their own fault then. smoke it, just don't let it take over your life

Why not just stay away from it? Herp derp.

JennaMarie420 2

I never said you had to smoke it. but it's a hell of a lot safer than cocaine or any other drug that's man made

why take a safer drug when you could take no drug. that's my philosophy.

JennaMarie420 2

do what you want. I'm not telling you to smoke weed. just don't knock it til you try it.

ysomad 0

You're the kind of person I'd send to a work/death camp, asshat!

kids these days use unnecessary commas...

what's worse smoking weed or sending him to a death camp because he does, how logical but I just love my ganja :) and yes I'm aware it's not healthy but it could be worse honesty

i always love people tht say they wnt ever try it and they sit around judging people until they get coersed into doing it and if they never r coersered they miss out on a great experience also kush is kinda overrated

JennaMarie420 2

send me to a death camp for smoking marijuana. wow. then you can send everyone who drinks alcohol too. it kills more people than weed does :) stupid ass

That was a little extreme. Don't be a dick, dude.

I meant that for #132, by the way. Sorry, I'm on an iPhone and I can't edit.

JennaMarie420 2

sorry Vikingbisongirl but this isn't English class I can use, commas, however, I, want :)

ysomad 0

Hi. I'm extremely sorry for that inappropropriate message "I" sent you. I'm so so sorry but my brother got on to my account to troll. I am so sorry. I did not mean to cause such disrespect or any threatening messages. please forgive me for this mistake on my brother's half. I blame myself for not protecting my account. I am going to teach him a lesson this is wrong. I'm am sorry to anyone who was offended by that statement. I am so sorry. :(

To anyone who drinks alcohol irresponsibly, yes, I would send them to death camps if I could, it would increase the average IQ by at least 20 points.

what the hell does smoking weed have to do with anything?!

it's not even that bad for you, safer than alcohol and cigs as long as you only smoke it in moderation.

JennaMarie420 2
RavenLovesGir 0

Um yes you were telling us to smoke weed. Re-read your comment, dear...

JennaMarie420 2

I was saying if you're looking to catch a buzz then smoke weed instead of doing blow. If you like being sober so be it. Do whatever the **** you want.

notjusanuthapret 0

not enough censorship in your kids life.....

Or too much, when you consider that the kid thought he could make cocaine out of flour, aspirin and baking soda...

But wouldn't it be a good thing that he's not familiar enough with drugs to know cocaine when he sees it (or doesn't)? If he knew the difference I'd be wondering when and where he tried it before...

TheBinksOhhhh13 0

Haha , wow , great parenting skills !

when you started calling your kid a twerp !

vicky really ****** with timmy's mind when she baby sat him, man.

skyeyez9 24

the name is well deserved considerig he tried to snort that mess.

you have to explain him from the very beginning coke he must buy and give him direction money and price list

you calling him names might not really be the best way to encourage good behaviour.

dkcutie92 0

Did your son buy an air guitar for 20?

sematariux 7

Best reference of another FML post ever.