By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was dressing in my apartment when I noticed I left the blinds open. Outside, a maintenance man was mowing the grass within eyeshot. I figured I'd leave the blinds open and give him a little peek of the goods. Later I found a note on my window saying, 'Next time, close the blinds'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 366
You deserved it 120 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EWWW!! Why would you do that? That's just gross..


I guess "the goods" werent all that good

crazy4uboi 6

Fyl why? Because he wants you to have some self respect? Ydi for being so damn concieded

Maybe he was just being a gentleman and thought you didn't know the blinds where open that time left the note. :/

and if it was someone else she would probably call them a perv.

Look at these moderated comments calling her a ****. Haha. Language guys. Language

Maybe he was just trying to be a gentleman and tell op for next time so others don't see cuz he clearly didn't think anyone would purposely do that!!

It sounds like you just wanted to show off.