By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was dressing in my apartment when I noticed I left the blinds open. Outside, a maintenance man was mowing the grass within eyeshot. I figured I'd leave the blinds open and give him a little peek of the goods. Later I found a note on my window saying, 'Next time, close the blinds'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 366
You deserved it 120 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EWWW!! Why would you do that? That's just gross..


Herbal_fml 0

He can get arrested for peeping tom you idiot. How was he suposed to know that you wern't going to get him arrested? Fired?

What makes you think you're that good? I bet you don't anymore. ****. Talk about begging for attention. Go back to working the corner.

he could just be being respectful :) so don't jump to conclusions

oh shit, im sorry for my previous comment, im on my ipod touch, and it suddenly went to the "random category"

kellyheartsyou 0

246 ur rite and op u are a **** and desperate