By cricketsins - 08/11/2013 03:33 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I was escorted out of a grocery store for beating my boyfriend with a block of cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 612
You deserved it 73 613

cricketsins tells us more.

Let me give some details before the blasting gets too bad: "beating" was an exaggeration. I was not literally bludgeoning him with a block of cheese. I'm sure that somewhere, someone has done this. That person was not me. It all started because he and I were picking up a few items and he just *happened* to lead me to the cheese aisle in the deli. I love cheese; he knows this and was teasing me. So, one poke led to a pinch, and all of a sudden my cheese-rage took hold and I was swatting him with a block of cheese. It was all in good fun. We are always joking and wrestling around. While we have both seriously hurt one another while wrestling, it's always an accident.

Top comments

Excuse me, ma'am, no--please stop hitting him with the chee--ma'am, plea--o-okay it's time for you two to go


CrazyGirlfriend 21

why can we not like the fml staff's comments? lol theyre usually so great.

Because telling someone that acting childish is idiotic is being a sour puss, not an astute observation?

I don't think she was seriously beating him, it was most likely a playful thing.

finalyearsofhate 22

Call me crazy, but I've never playfully beaten someone with a block of cheese.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

92, really? my bf and I play fight alll the time.... never with blocks on cheese lol but other things yes. we're always accidentally hurting each other cause we're rough.

Let me give some details before the blasting gets too bad: "beating" was an exaggeration. I was not literally bludgeoning him with a block of cheese. I'm sure that somewhere, someone has done this. That person was not me. It all started because he and I were picking up a few items and he just *happened* to lead me to the cheese aisle in the deli. I love cheese; he knows this and was teasing me. So, one poke led to a pinch, and all of a sudden my cheese-rage took hold and I was swatting him with a block of cheese. It was all in good fun. We are always joking and wrestling around. While we have both seriously hurt one another while wrestling, it's always an accident.

I'm also going to have to go with the good ol' "he started it" as well. ;)

Don't know why this is getting downvoted. It was all in good fun. Maybe seek cheese related rage help though ;)

I still don't get why you'd do that. It's food, so don't waste it. And you still were in the grocery store, so the cheese wasn't yours. So actually you were demolishing someone elses property, and I am not surprised you got kicked out for that. YDI.

HAH. My friend and I once got our knives taken away in a restaurant because we were playing around with them in a similar manner. They later told the waitress I was stoned. It was an interesting night.

1dvs_bstd 41

I wonder what would have happened if you are a huge frying pan fan and you guys were surfing the frying pan aisle.

Sounds like somebody trying to just give excuses for beating. If man would do this to a woman, would you agree that "its just fun and games" ? no you would not. You had the chance to tell the story first, dont change it, you beat your boyfriend with block of cheese, and that can you dangerous, since cheese can be "hard", so it can actually hurt, even do some damage if you hit the right place. You love cheese, good for you, but i love cutting meat with meat cleaver. If my girlfriend lead me to cleavers and started teasing me about them, would it be okay for me to beat her with one of those cleavers? let me answer for you: NO!! Putting your hands on other human is always wrong, unless its self-defense. Playful or not, its not ever okay to do it on public. We dont care what happens on your home, but in public.. things can go very wrong. It just takes one "crazy" person to decide that he/she needs to intervene and the "attacked" is dead. Why risk it and "playfully" beat your spouse? Nobody else knows that its playfully and your spouse actually likes it, even if he/she is laughing. And you only made it look worse since your wording was "and all of a sudden my cheese-rage took hold and i was swatting him" so.. you blacked out and it was because of cheese-rage? Wow.. thats some serious cheese loving. If i ever need that excuse, i'm sure it will work in court also. "I'm sorry judge, my cheese-rage took hold of me, it wasn't my fault!!". Excuses after excuses. If you had tell us in the first place that it was all done playfully, i'm sure most of the YDI people would have gone the other way. Now it seems that only reason you are giving those excuses is to turn peoples head, trying to win the crowd. You beat him with cheese, and domestic violence aint never a joke. I dont live in the states, but dont some states have to press charges even if the other person dont want to? Freel free to continue "playfully beating" in public, i'm sure sooner than later cops will get involved and things will go to the toilet. I'm sure you can even then tell some of your closest friends/family the truth (if it really was playfully done in the first place) but most people wont believe you. "No no no, i got this black eye from the door, silly me, i tripped over something on the floor", "no no, i got these bruises for falling down the stairs, silly me, i always seem to get into these accidents".

Ladies and gentlemen, the longest rant ever on a post about cheese, courtesy of Naketatan.

How the hell do you go from playful cheese swatting to serious domestic violence? You must have some serious demons in your past for you to post a whole book on abuse and jail time. Its some damn cheese, playing around. She didn't pull a brick out of her purse and smack him with it.

Naketatan, You are making this about something it isn't. Some of us have actually experienced true domestic violence, and we don't appreciate it when people trivialize the issue by equating it with what is essentially a food fight. Although I am curious, OP, as to what you mean by "seriously hurt" Perhaps you two shouldn't play so rough.

so i am assuming you have never rough played with anyone? Really?! If he was saying, "Stop, that hurts! you are hurting me!' that is one thing. If he was laughing..... really? Yelling abuse all the time just lowers the reality of it

emirie 21

Well that was one of the most ridiculous rants I have ever read in my life. You seriously need to relax, you seem like a ticking time bomb.

And I'm sure all the people trying to squeeze around you to buy cheese thought it was HILARIOUS! ...Not. Somebody take these rowdy kids to the park!

Naketatan I'm just gonna be blunt..dude shut up

Naketan, are you saying you've never playfully swatted anyone before? My boyfriend and I do it all the time. It doesn't hurt at all and the subsequent "fights" tend to be a lot of fun. OP didn't actually beat him, she was playing with him. The boyfriend probably thought it was funny.

I see where you're coming from. My mother fell off a ladder once and when dad took her to the hospital she was whinging (coz she had a concussion and was tired and sore). While he was filling the paperwork out he turned around and told her if she keeps it up he'd give her a black eye to go with it. She laughed. The nurses didn't. It's all about the tone. And for those who think my father is a bad guy and probably pushed her off the ladder, he wasn't home at the time, so calm your farm.

Everybody taking this serious is a moron. Case closed. I said it was a joke and the details were extremely exaggerated for the sake of humor. If you read my reply and still have a problem then you need to back away from fmylife and go beat whoever stole your humorbox.

Supermarket based abuse is a serious matter.

You must have never had a playful girlfriend, or a girlfriend at all.

Sounds fun, but behave yourself in public and don't destroy the merchandise in stores.

She was having fun. So what? I would so it to to my boyfriend if he wasn't so serious all the time lol... Good job OP we all deserve some fun every now and then :)

Again it's all fun and games I'm sure you'd get that from both parties you're only upset because you're a male and you think it's your right to crap on people's fun. :)

I'm sorry your username is pikawhore... Shut up

@49 did anyone ask for an assholes response? no get over your high and mighty wall of bs and quit bein a douche she was havin fun something you should try youignorant fucktard

scice03 8

Cry about it. Sorry to report, but when a woman hits a man, it is FUNNY.

GalaxyShots 21

I'm trying to debate whether or not you're trolling.

Ok so it was in fun, but you don't use the food a business is trying to sell as your weapon. If you'd already bought it, sure.

I think people take it worse then it was because you put this on FML that's all

ChiefKoala 30

IT's ******* cheese, and you're also stating she had a chance to tell her story? She just ******* did; there's only so much you can get in 300 characters. Why don't you get the demon of your past out of your ass and simmer down pal. With your SOUND logic, every pillow fight ever is now abuse. And from this joyful post you've made, it sounds as if you'd be that person to intervene and kill someone. I've been abused plenty in my life and I've done the playfully hitting/poking/smacking and received it as well. There is a HUGE difference between the two. So OP, i can safely say he does not speak for us all. What you did was certainly not abuse. Maybe not with a block of cheese, but I tell you there are times where I've been in the store and wanted to hit my brother with whatever I could grab for being so annoying, so i know the feeling. You sound like your and your mate have a lot of fun, and I hope it continues to be that way for you two for as long as you guys are happy. Just don't go destroying any more cheese blocks eh?

My husband and I have also hurt each other while messing around. I can't answer for OP, but an elbow to the face or the time he tickled my ribs (something that gets a huge reaction from me) and I kicked out instinctively and tore some tendons in my foot when my toes caught on a strap on his jacket. I mean, we're not kids anymore so there is a lot more weight behind any impact so it does tend to hurt. We don't mean to get so rough, but sometimes, one person poking the other can lead to a situation where it escalates into full on roughhousing and someone gets hurt. It happens. As long as both parties are having fun and both are capable of stopping when one says they've had enough, then I don't see an issue with messing around (Within reason and ours is always at home). I do agree with others that in the store with cheese that didn't belong to them was not such a great idea.

This is the dumbest thing I've read

metalcrazed 21

She hit him with food in public. He is right that's messed up.

metalcrazed 21

He started teasing you so you hit him with cheese you hadn't bought in public because of whatever cheese rage is? You stated above you have seriously hurt each other that makes it more disturbing than funny.

Neko26_fml 4
Neko26_fml 4

Correction: #60, are you that dumb?

I have to say beating him with cheese and not a block of meat what he did must have been horrible...

Security must have been-- lactose intolerant.

One of those that are so bad it becomes funny =l But it's also a cheep shot, real cheesy...

In what world do you live where you think people would side with you for being an abusive twat.

Why in the **** would you think it's be ok to beat him with anything? As so many people will point out, if the roles were reversed there'd be uproar.

Hahahaha I've just read your reply.... It makes A LOT more sense now. You still deserve it, but you sound much less like an abusive partner and more like you both have a sense of humour.

If you're mishandling the produce and causing a scene, then expect to get kicked out. If you break the packaging and they can't sell it because of you, then they have every right. YDI

OMG they whipped the cream and beat the eggs

I'm not arguing with your comment, because you're right, but just so you know cheese isn't produce.