By stupidgirlll - 26/06/2009 08:09 - United States

Today, I was excited about showing off my new haircut. All my friends thought it looked really good and it made me look older. What did my boyfriend think? He said I look like a little girl and he was afraid to kiss me in public because he didn't want someone to think he was a pedophile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 227
You deserved it 7 396

Same thing different taste

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In his defense, I look old for my age, and my (now wife) looks very young for hers...and when we were both 18, I got some very dirty looks walking around hand-in-hand with her. Nobody actually said anything to us except once or twice, though. She's actually older than I am. So I can understand his caution.

well ur friends are going to lie to you if it looks terrible. ur boyfriend is probably right. just saying.


KonM4N4Life 0
sareydoodles 0

your boyfriend must be an ass.

i think what length of hair guys prefer generally applies to first impressions. if a guy really cared about you he would get used to a haircut and probably end up liking it. your boyfriend seems controlling and/or (sorry to say) not that attracted to you. i wouldnt consider him a keeper.

Glam_fml 0

If you like it, keep it. Don't change for anyone. It never works. It will probably grow on him eventually. Oh, and on the long hair vsshort hair debate, not every guy likes long hair. I had long hair for a good portion of my life and finally got it cut to chin length a few months ago. My boyfriend absolutely loves it and compliments me on it all the time. I just wanted to put my 2 cents in there.


Ydi for getting your hair cut

kellster 2

Well, to be fair, most men dislike short hairstyles on women. That said, your bf's an asshole. I think I'd be "afraid" to kiss him in private or public after that...

No, you shut up! *facepokes* *giggles* *flees* :)

Is it just me that can read? It seems so. It doesn't say anywhere she has a SHORT ******* haircut. Goddamn you guys are ******* retarded.

She got a haircut not a hairgrow. It's obviously gonna be shorter, noobcake. And if it's a 'new haircut' then I'm guessing she didn't get just a trim. lrn2reddumbololz2damax.

Actually you CAN get a new haircut without getting it all chopped off and making it short. Source: I'm a girl and have done it...

Now who looks dumb? (: I didn't say she didn't get it shorter, but everyone is saying PIXIE cut and such. So why don't you go hide your face in shame for looking like such a dumbass now.

Well, 'getting it all chopped off' would imply being bald. Which is a pretty big ****** change. Besides, who the **** determines what's short and what's not? The WHOLE THING is an assumption How the **** do you know she hasn't got it really short? How the **** can I prove she does? It doesn't matter. The implication is she got it significantly shorter, due to her looking younger as well as her boyfriend not liking it. So shut the **** up you ******* tool, and get off your high horse for getting a ******* boner over, supposedly, winning an argument about the length of someones hair. ******* douchebag.

Oh my god. Are you crying now? It really seems like you must be. I mean, you are one upset little man over this whole thing. :( You poor thing. Nope, sorry, it doesn't imply anything. She could have gotten bangs, should could have done -anything-. So really, sorry that you're wrong and now you're flipping out. It's funny though, actually.. keep it up.

No, but I am a little drunk. Plus, I'm pissing myself at the fact that as soon as you, a sad little bastard, got some support for your crappy little argument about something completely pointless, you jumped at it, saying I should 'hide my face in shame' or's the internet. I'm not wrong. Neither of use can prove anything about the length of her hair which you care so much about. It does imply it's fact...the word hairCUT makes that a certainty and, certainly to me, anyways, she got it significantly cut, otherwise it wouldn;t be called a 'new' cut...I mean...maybe it was styled differently but then it'd be a different hairstyle, wouldn't it? I don't know what a bang is, and I don't care. All I care about is that there are ACTUALLY sad little ***** like you that go onto websites and call people retards, whilst making themselves look like retards because they're arguing about a fact that is moot and pointless in the first place, ie, the length of someone's hair. Oh, and the fact that you attempt to make yourself superior, ie...'is it just me that can read?' proves you actually have a inferiority complex, meaning that, even over the internet you must attempt to make yourself look better, even if it means exploiting the vague wording of an FML to make a useless point. Seriously, I'd get that checked out. Anyways, I'm done talking to you. You're a confrontational moron who suffers from an acute psychological problem...I feel sorry for you. :(

" retards because they're arguing about a fact that is moot and pointless in the first place, ie, the length of someone's hair." .. So who's the one writing paragraphs about it ... Exactly.

haha this is hilarious. UseTheFrags, you are the one freaking out about it and trying to cause a confrontation. You did start the whole argument and then you freak out about someone responding to it. I find it funny lol. You say its just the internet and yet write a very long comment going on and on when you could have just let it go.

"I don't know what a bang is, and I don't care." Seriously? You don't know what bangs are? Even though you claim not to care, bangs are the part of the hair at the front of the head that can be cut to fall across the forehead. You can have bangs with long, medium or short hair. On a related note, the level of ignorance I've seen on this site astounds me.

Ahahahahahaha!!! I don't kno if he owned yu or if yu failed gettin that haircut! overall FYL.

At least he is honest, and it sounds as though he was just joking around. I would rather my boyfriend be honest with me so that I know his preferences for future reference (whether I bide my them or not is another story) than have him placate me with white lies. Take note of his preferences and decide yourself whether you are willing to comprimise in the future. It's really not a big deal. But more than that ... be thankful he is secure enough to be honest with you and trusts you enough to not flip out over his opinion. It is *far* better than him telling you it looks great, when he is secretly wincing on the inside. Nothing improves when you are unaware that anything needs improving.