By roo - 27/01/2011 16:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I was getting a flight home. I'd worn a belt because my skirt was too big. When I walked through security, they asked me to remove my belt. My skirt fell down in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 937
You deserved it 13 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youfailed18 0

why didn't you just hold your skirt up with your hands?

Were you wondering if your new diet was working? Did your panties down fall with them too?


well maybe use your brain when taking off something that is used for holding clothing up around your waist and you won't give everyone a free show.

ever hear of wearing clothes that fit? or do you purposely buy clothing to big,if so then whats the point?

That will sure help with a pat-down if they ask you for one.

I'm trying to work out why a belt would conceal anything that's a threat to national security... I mean, the belt itself could be appropriated into a weapon but so could most items of clothing.

joeykrak 0

oops. That sucks. I feel sorry for u

sallen0046 4

There's no sense at all behind this. You obviously knew you were going to the airport. You chose to wear a skirt that did not fit, and should have known you would have to remove your belt to go through security. Knowing the skirt did not fit, you did not hold it up. But you have the nerve act as though you're surprised the skirt slipped down, despite the fact you knew you you needed a belt to hold it up in the first place. You not only deserve it, but are either an attention seeker, or a complete idiot.

Exactly! Also, I would assume that the belt has a metal buckle and everyone knows most metal sets off metal detectors in airports. So surely OP should have thought ahead and seen that she would have to take it off? OP: "Today, I was an idiot. FML."