By coolkid111 - 27/03/2011 00:26 - United States

Today, I was going to my prom. My mom knows I want to drink so to prevent me, she made sure I took my prescription medicine before I left. I guess her way of stopping me from drinking is killing myself If I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 413
You deserved it 39 992

Same thing different taste


I really hope you're not stupid enough to drink... You know, you can have a good time without alcohol or being under the influence of any substance....

whodunit40 0

put the pill in your cheek and just swallow the water dumbass

If your medication is prescribed you shouldn't stop taking it without consulting your Dr. You shouldn't just skip it to get drunk. And if it can kill you when mixed with alcohol then you shouldn't drink! If you're not mature enough to get that without mommy reminding you then you're not mature enough to drink! Suck it up buttercup, it's her job to keep you safe.

Well maybe you shouldn't be a damn alcoholic in high school.

ami1043 0

Oh gosh, your mom doesn't want something bad to happen to you on prom night due to underaged drinking. Your life sucks so much because your cares and worries about your safety. Get over it. You can have fun without drinking.

Nyarin 0

Baaaw you can't drink. Prom will be horrible because when they are sober my friends are boring. I guarantee the ones saying "your life sucks" are still under 18.

Unless you were held back a few grades (not ruling it out, you seem pretty stupid), it's not legal for you to drink anyway. I'm sure your mother is really happy that you're a teenage alcoholic.

Yes... because all parents are happy to know that their teen is an alcoholic. She's doing you a favor... be happy about it. If you can't control it yourself, then she will. You asked for it...

She wouldn't have killed you, you would have killed you. Don't blame her for something stupid you may do.

biwinningloser 0

Jesus, stop riding posters ass.