This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Chichensoup - 21/05/2010 02:33 - United States

Today, I was having an affair with a girl from my work. She scratched my back while we were doing it and I didn't want my wife to find out so I threw myself down the stairs at work and ended up having to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 699
You deserved it 275 706

Top comments

take_it_ez 0

YDI for cheating. and being that dumb. you could have just made an excuse, you don't have to throw yourself down the stairs! or even better, DIVORCE HER! if you don't want to be with your wife anymore, which obviously you don't, dont be a pussy! just get a divorce!


cheaters deserve to die break up with someone if they do not satisfy you . no need to hurt them like that.

I have an idea , DONT **** AROUND ON YOUR WIFE !!!!!

AmandaSchnepf 0

it's over. now I kno y u have been so distant lately. get ur shit and get out of my house.

hey man pimpin ain't easy. good idea tho to get outta the situation

why the hell would u throw itself down the stairs!?! bahahahaba !!!!! ydi dumb ass!

britterss 0

you disgust me you cheating bastard!!! I hope your wife finds out beats the hell out of you and then divorces you!!!

WtfRlywhy 2

More like F your wife's life, you worthless ****. I hope that nasty bitch you cheated with had some weird STD and you have to explain that shit to your wife, then I hope she leaves you and takes you for every thing you have, you worthless piece of shit. You deserve whatever pain and misery you get for that; oh, and eat a bag of dicks kthx

ur a fkn dik. wat goes around comes around :) 10 timess worsee!

AmandaSchnepf 0

don't worry me and him are done. who would have thought I would see this on fml. my basterd husband threw himself down for nothing I'm still leaving you.