By pennyhater - 07/10/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, I was locked inside my dorm room. Yeah, inside. How? Some of my floormates decided to stick pennies in the door frame, which jammed the handle. I was stuck inside my room and had to pee really bad. I couldn't call an RA to get me out either. Why? I am the RA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 375
You deserved it 5 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1: Pee in a container. Step 2: Spike their drink with contents of said container. Step 3: Smile in satisfaction of both achievements!

around_the_world 0


I thought it was just me that was annoyed by this. You don't need that extra emphasis by repeating yourself like "Yeah, inside." It's so stupid and it really annoys me! Maybe not as much as how others were annoyed by "proceed" but somewhere along the lines of that. ;)

Moonpaper 0

Jan Itor won't be very happy. . .

Awww yeah I must have no life and get my kicks off picking on others just because I asked you guys to take it elsewhere. Right. For certain FMLs, I enjoy reading what others say about them. Wow, what a bad person I must be! The first few comments you guys make are interesting, entertaining, relevant, etc.... But the silly nonsensical banter is boring, it's inside jokes, flirtations, etc - all fine if you guys were in a chat room or your own personal message board. But I read FML 99% of the time on my Blackberry and the convos you guys have take forever to scroll through on here if I want to read more relevant comments and engage in conversation about the FML. Sorry to come off like a brat, it's nothing personal. Could you guys just try to be a little more respectful that this isn't your own private fan club though? Maybe there's a way to suggest an FML forum/message board for those of you who have become friends so you have a place to chat as a group? Just a thought.

Intellectualist 0

I'll give you an 'inside' joke (; Shut up, and remove the shitty pole from your backside. Lighten up, you only life once darling :) We're perfectly respectful, you're the one who needs to learn manners, I mean, we're having inside jokes and flirting, generally talking to friends...and you're rude/disrespectful enough to want to stop that, you're like the annoying tagalong kid, hanging about the group, but noone likes them because they interrupt the fun and spoil it by being rude, and trying to stop the banter. You are not better than anyone else, you are not the law, and really, you can't tell anyone what to do. If you don't like it, skip it, simple solution. Stop being a whiny baby and grow up. Thanks.

Don't feel so bad, Heatherwtf. They are going to jump down your throat because, as stated, they're in a group. They think they're hot shit of the board so you can't expect not to get torn apart if you say something like that. But really what I agree with you most on is that the obvious, horribly grating flirting that happens. Like, just no. It screams desperate (and not all of it do I think is flirting, I can see the difference of joking(mostly female to female)). Otherwise, whatever. It won't stop.

Ah, Heather, now I see the problem! You are using the worst technology to access FML. All the complaints about the long convos have been from Blackberry users (meteor, e.g.) On a computer or an iPhone, it is easy to zip by the long threads, but evidently RIMM's POS is a clunky browser. So, you expect people to modify their behavior to accommodate the lowest common denominator in tech? Let's face it, if it weren't for the long convos and some of us who TRY to make thoughtful comments, this place would be a cesspool of "That sucks," "YDI for being a *****" and random racist crap.

Who doesn't like YDI for being a *****? Crazy talk.

Intellectualist 0

We don't think we're hot shit, we ARE hot shit. All you jealous nooblets just cant handle this sort of cool.

You. You are actually worse than the others. In fact, your level of maturity seems to be a lot lower. You just post spazztic comments that make you seem like a retarded child.

Intellectualist 0

Of course, the maturity card. I love it. Well done, 10 points for originality. I have an immature sense of humour, I'm glad you spotted that, clever girl, have a cookie; at least mine wasn't removed at birth. Now take the stick out of your ass, stop having delusions of grandeur, and go play with the traffic.

Mmm.. and your comment was just as original, aye? There was no humor in what you were saying, you were freaking out and making overboard comments. Just like you did right here. Sorry darling :(

Intellectualist 0

Maybe you don't think so, but honey, there's more than one person in the world, and more people do laugh than don't, I don't see that it's my problem that you don't find our comments amusing, I don't find you particularly amusing, don't see me whinging like a baby about it do you? No, you don't. You aren't better mannered, funnier, nicer or indeed a better person than anybody else is, just because you don't find it funny doesnt mean it shouldn't happen. Not our problem. A lot of people enjoy these comments, it's people like you who think theyre more mature and 'grown-up' than everyone else who like to put a downer on things. Maybe I quite like having an immature sense of humour, because I don't get to act that way anywhere else? I don't have to behave like an 'adult' on the internet, because lets face it, it's not like I'm trying to impress you, neither are there any responsibilities here, so you know, maybe it's nice to have a bit of a break.

Lauralatch is completely destroying. Lauralatch wins.

You completely miss my point, actually. Also, you act like I'm Heather who originally wrote it, so using what she said against me is pointless. Until you can gather something that I said and use it, then you just hush your little face :( I just think you fail for having a spazz attack, as I said. You weren't trying to be humorous when you were yelling at them, no, you were upset. So.. what exactly is your point?

Intellectualist 0

I was upset? No, I was explaining a point to some twat who thinks it's acceptable to moan and bitch about something that really doesn't matter. Don't like it? Don't look. No, I'm not talking to you like you're the original baby who complained, I'm talking to you, purely because you're the douchebag who continued the argument with the maturity card. 'Oh look at me, I'm 22 so obviously I am the epitome of maturity, follow my advice, I am wonderful'. I'm here to stop your massive delusions of grandeur, I'm not upset, or even mildly irate, I just think you're another idiot who needs to know their place. Water off a ducks back, I think the phrase is.

Wow... where the hell is my popcorn? :)

Lauralatch just destroyed all opposition. drkwlf has started shit with me and mercy. Apparently, she thinks she's better than everyone and has not a stick, but an oak tree up her ass.

I'm not trying to take sides or anything, but arguing is just going to create more comments to scroll through... so if it really bugs you that much, you can't really complain about it at this point since you're officially part of the "problem." Just sayin'. All of this HAS been pretty entertaining. :]

Intellectualist 0
CyclonePsycho 1

Flirting all over the board *is* pretty boring. There's not much that hasn't been said before, y'know? Not to mention they're rarely enjoyable to outsiders looking in. Now, arguments... Those are what I come here for. Participating or watching, silly internet arguments complete my experience here at good ol' "U R SUCH A STOOPYD TROLL!!!111!!111" Busts me up every time. Good times, good times. (...That might just be because I'm a bitch though...)

pmk138 0

I love how these are all in replies on a comment saying how they have trouble scrolling down through long pointless chats between people that have nothing to do with the original FML.

Pandasaur makes a good point. Apparently some people think THEIR pointless comments are cooler/more fun to read than ours, therefore we shouldn't be able to say what we want.

icedrake523 2

Call campus security. YDI for not thinking of that.

captainmaharet 1

That's what you get for being a shitty RA.

YDI completely....A) How'd u get hired? and B) That really handy dandy phone they give you is used to call the front desk.... I call this whole FML bullshit because no1 can be this dumb...

nathanb065 0

that happened to me once. the way you get the pennies out: step one, take five to ten steps away from the door step two, run at the door step three, headbutt, body slam, kick or "tackle" the door. if all of those steps fail, try going out of a window if you live higher up than the first floor, then you're stuck. sorry buddy.